At first, thinking about that being with someone's wife caused a little hesitation with me as in a mixture of "ok, that's interesting" & "am I going to die here when the husband kills my ass?" but after a while, I started to realize it's just a part of life.
Now I look at it as something that allows me a freedom to indulge in my time with her. Meaning, I feel freer to give in to the illusion and the good time because I know when the session is over, there's no question that it's over and nothing else. She has to go back to her life, I go to mine and I get to hang on to that time I had with her and expect nothing else from it.
Does that make sense??
It also to me, increases the security for both of us during the session. She has someone that will protect and make sure she's in a safe place and I don't have to worry about an over-zealous pimp trying to turn as many numbers as he can.
If nothing else, these are the only wives I can get along with.