Another topic for discussion.

Ok, my answer may be a bit complicated but it's a work in progress...I think.

At first, thinking about that being with someone's wife caused a little hesitation with me as in a mixture of "ok, that's interesting" & "am I going to die here when the husband kills my ass?" but after a while, I started to realize it's just a part of life.

Now I look at it as something that allows me a freedom to indulge in my time with her. Meaning, I feel freer to give in to the illusion and the good time because I know when the session is over, there's no question that it's over and nothing else. She has to go back to her life, I go to mine and I get to hang on to that time I had with her and expect nothing else from it.
Does that make sense??

It also to me, increases the security for both of us during the session. She has someone that will protect and make sure she's in a safe place and I don't have to worry about an over-zealous pimp trying to turn as many numbers as he can.

If nothing else, these are the only wives I can get along with.

RL, you could not have said that any better babe.
I have no preference. Not a jealous cell in my body. I do like the idea that the provider has someone who is taking care of them at home after a long often thankless day at work. Everyone needs that. Some of us need more than we are getting at home so that is why we hobby. What I want is stability and that more often times than not comes from a woman who has a stable home life and is filling her needs as am I. I have no illusions to being her only one. How boring would that be? I would presume she is similar to me and liking the variety that the hobby provides. I do like to hear stories of their experiences both in the hobby and at home. I will straight up a provider what she likes even though I am paying for the session. I am the consummate giver. I get off on knowing that I am providing a service as well so I want to make our time as pleasurable for her as it is for me.
As ironic and unlikely as it may seem I respect the hell out of great providers for being able to compartmentalize all that goes on. Obviously I don't any crazy encounters with their men and I have had some close calls that were extremely uncomfortable. Thankfully nothing happened but there is always that tinge of doubt hanging around if I don't know the provider's situation so I will always ask. I understand that some consider that an invasion into their privacy but it is for the safety of both of us.
Hope all or any of this makes sense?
Had a really great time with a provider recently but she was fixing her hair and remaking the bed (on my time). While the prior 1 hr and 50 minutes was awesome, that last 10 kind of popped the illusion balloon. Originally Posted by o2flyhi

Same here. Couldn't she just wait until I went out the door?
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
My, quite a lot of variety in the answers. As for me, it does not bother me if a lady is married or has a SO, as long as he knows what she does. I don't want some guy banging on the hotel door or worse. I go into a meeting knowing that I'm not the only one - I read the reviews - and that does not bother me at all, although I would prefer that I'm not the fifth guy that day. I have gotten to know a few providers pretty well and have had encounters with them and their husbands - one lady even invited me to spend the night at her house when I was traveling through town...not much sleep that night. I've had encounters that were MF, FMF, MFM, MFMF and all of them were satisfying. I guess the bottom line is that I am not looking for that illusion that I'm the only one - I'm looking for an exciting partner who leaves me satisfied and enjoys herself while we are together.

It does not matter to me if the provider is married or has a SO, as I am married myself. I just want "our" time to be just that, don't like high volume ladies that have no personality and just want to do what ever to just past the time. I started this to explore things I couldn't get at home and also have found out that the more personality that is shared with you the better the overall experience is. So as long as I have her for our date time that is all that really matters. You ladies defiantly have real lives outside of the hobby and should be able to have someone you can share everything with to take your minds off of things for awhile. So thank you to all the wonderful ladies that have made this hobby tons of fun and to the ladies out there that will keep it fun.
O2 you know I drove to see you and I even got the incall just for you. Thank you for keeping me company on the drive up sweetheart! Originally Posted by SeasonedMuse
Good God, what an incredible memory! And what an incredible memory it was!

Oh sweetie! Indeed! I am coming back up back you know; )