Blue Pill

kinkyorca's Avatar
The only reason i take a blue pill is to keep me from rolling off the bed and to keep from pissing on my feet.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
  • momo
  • 06-08-2017, 07:40 PM
Never used one before. How long should you take one pre festivities? Originally Posted by Houtxdj
I always buy from alldaychemist. Its an indian company that sells the real thing.. i have used them for years.. i don't take any other meds and have no health issues other than probably Low T which i will eventually get checked ...

the one i get is Suhagra 50mg..

Also i take it around 30-40 mins before with full glass of water.. also eat a light meal.. for some reason high carb meal gives me heart burn when i take the pill
spear89's Avatar
Since I had test replacement therapy I don't even need them but sometimes use them just to be extra hard.
I saw my doc for severe depression and found my testosterone was extremely low (120 vs 300 to 800 normal.). Severe ED. He put me on Chlomid which is a a hormone inducing drugstore for both male and works about half the time and it's cheap. Plus no risk your wife will grow a beard which is a risk with testosterone patches. They are movong away from patch and i dont like needles. It worked for me. My testosterone tested 350 and wood returned without chemical assistance. Most impotant, my no mojo blues went away.