Well, I may be retired as of the 10th.

Or even easier... Just pick a fight with Whispers or SL. They charged me one spinner red head & TS SL wanted a new wig & heels. They're easy. Put them to work!
SL, show them the new TS SL heels.
Whispers's Avatar
Still Looking's Avatar
Where we at Lioness?
Where we at Lioness? Originally Posted by Still Looking
C'mon SL and get that 399!
Skip_8's Avatar
The snatch gets another one!

Best of luck, I hope you get to stay around.
Raikage's Avatar
Yall are talking shit to the only 100/hr provider and running her off and then want to get mad at the ladies who are staying and will rock you for 300/hr lol alotta smart people in this thread.
Yall are talking shit to the only 100/hr provider and running her off and then want to get mad at the ladies who are staying and will rock you for 300/hr lol alotta smart people in this thread. Originally Posted by Raikage
I agree. I like mixing it up on here but I never want to see someone physically hurt or financially hurting.

I'm sorry she is going through this but I imagine she will overcome.

Maybe get a rw job to make sure rent is paid and hobby for extra funds.
Whispers's Avatar
Yall are talking shit to the only 100/hr provider that rides bareback and running her off and then want to get mad at the ladies who are staying and will rock you for 300/hr lol alotta smart people in this thread. Originally Posted by Raikage
Yall are talking shit to the only 100/hr provider and running her off and then want to get mad at the ladies who are staying and will rock you for 300/hr lol alotta smart people in this thread. Originally Posted by Raikage
I was quite serious actually.
Ask her if her phone is ringing yet. They aren't running anyone off! SL might try to trade some bbw's in for some spinners, or start a fantasy football team of providers and switch up the draft picks. Whispy might call her a whore, but that's about it. What else is new?!

Btw, I was serious about the financial resources and programs. There are so many things Available out there, you just have to know where to look. I'd be happy to help any lady or gentleman with those things if requested.


Still Looking's Avatar
Ask her if her phone is ringing yet. They aren't running anyone off! SL might try to trade some bbw's in for some spinners, or start a fantasy football team of providers and switch up the draft picks. Whispy might call her a whore, but that's about it. What else is new?!

Btw, I was serious about the financial resources and programs. There are so many things Available out there, you just have to know where to look. I'd be happy to help any lady or gentleman with those things if requested.


Nikki Originally Posted by The Infamous One