Raise Your Hand If You Screen!!!!!

Lana, you mean we are supposed to actually check these guys out before we see them?
If they don't at least check my P411...they're out. Not a perfect solution, but better than nuthin'
+1 ... Lana, you make me smile every time i read your threads/posts.

And what about the girls that use their girlfriends P411 account to screen you because they don't have one. (not cool) and they don't even read the BIO, when you ask a question about it, their like, what?

these new girls could sure learn ALOT from the likes of Lana, Reese, and Fawn and all the other Veteran well respected providers but, they think they know it all and want to do things thier way, and thats why we have alot of alerts. (Ladies please take avantage of the knowledge that Veteran providers are trying to give ya'll, they walked in your shoes alot longer and experienced alot more than ya'll.)

Hobby safe my friends,
elgato111's Avatar
I personally check out the girl before calling for an appointment. I fully expect her to check me out also before we meet. P411 lets me know when someone checks me out so I know she has done her job and that makes me feel much safer when I arrive to see her. No screening means no appointment for me.
I dunno, I just rely on my "spidey sense" to tell me when someone isn't safe to see. You can usually tell by their voice, or how they type. Sometimes I'll go the extra mile and check their horoscope, look into my crystal ball, and consult the Oracle. I haven't had any problems so far, other than that one time I was robbed, the time I was assaulted, and the time I accidentally met with my dentist.

For the humor-challenged:
It's a joke. I screen like a mofo.

For ladies who are new to screening, it's not hard to do (honest!), good clients expect and appreciate it, and it can help you avoid everything from time-wasters to little skinny dick, bald headed, chicken shit knife robbers. A good starting guide to screening:
flexywun's Avatar
not to creep anyone out, but i watched the Craigslist Killer (the movie) the other night and was thinking, these girls should have screened. the ads look like the ones on BP. of course this was a med student and looked normal and clean cut. can never be too safe.
WiLsOn's Avatar
screening is a providers best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Screening is a hobbyist's next best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I screen all the time too.

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!1
Lana Warren's Avatar
I screen all the time too.

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!1 Originally Posted by daaaaaman
D, you freakin' wear me out! Shut up and get get your ass back in chat!
Guest091314's Avatar
Isnt it classic when an alert is posted and you asked how they were screened and you just start to shake your head....

I am a firm believer in screening....
Lana Warren's Avatar
There was a major incident back on ASPD couple years back where someone who was using a screener had a provider friend of his that owed him a solid give false information to make it through the screener to see Holly and it proved how easy it was to pass just about anyone's screening.........

Just saying.

The biggest issue is that those who are reading this thread are most likely not the ones who will be in trouble but rather the new girls posting for the first time in the Welcome Wagon. The only way to catch and stop that would be for every new girl to get an immediate warning email from a fellow provider that gives out a basic of the bad guys to avoid. Originally Posted by LazurusLong

You are so right, but if the folks would do some cross checking, it would eliminate most of the bullshit!

And as for us fellow providers warning the "new kids", I've tried that by reaching out and it backfired every single time! Wanna know where these "new kids" came from? You guessed it........BP!

What we need is a mandatory sticky that would instruct these folks on how ECCIE is run! After they have read the sticky (I pray that they can even read), they must agree to all rules and regulations here! Only then and after they have had 3 legit reviews, can they become a verified provider!

I know, I know.....I'm a little off topic! Blame it on my ADD! LOL!
LazurusLong's Avatar
Only then and after they have had 3 legit reviews, can they become a verified provider! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
Therein lies part of the problem.

FWOG would promise to post a review (and he normally did) but in return he wanted things like BBFS or a free or next to free session. FWOG seemed legit for a good long while until some of the ladies started to finally speak up about that fucktard.

And his posse is still going strong at the same sort of shit. How hard is it for some of those fucktards to create multiple handles just to post reviews to get someone verified? Hell, the Houston PD created 2 provider handles and 2 client handles and voila, instant provider status and reviews.
NeedingMore's Avatar
I am pro-screening, and not just because it's my job! Ladies, no matter how broke you are, do you really want to risk "trouble" or injury? And to all my gents, when a lady doesn't screen, I always tell them to look elsewhere. With no screening, you could walking into a set up of some kind. It's just not worth it.

NeedingMore - If you really want to know if you were screened, contact the references you gave and ask if they okayed you for anyone that day. Open communication is key to staying safe in our little hobby world. Originally Posted by Rebecca
I feel bad contacting the other girls to see if they gave references...yes, I know, it's a job too, but I think that sometimes there are feelings involved and I hate feeling like a jackass. It's like asking the girl that knows you and kind of likes you, to see if you can see her friend.
Kitten's Avatar
Lets break it down into simple math, bail costs around $500 . Why would you accept a 30 min or hour block of time with a value of maybe $300 ? If you do not screen you are making a very bad decision . My question would be why would put not only yourself at risk , but any other people you have come into contact with?

The time you set aside for your clients should all be worry free. They do not seek out the company of ladies to have drama or hassles to deal with. If you are NOT screening your playing Russian Roulette !! It is not a matter of if you will get frisked and cuffed ( and not in a good purrr way ) but WHEN !!!

I Recently came back from a trip where I was shocked at the lack of screening the ladies there did. A good screening practice is to not only know who he is but who he chooses to use as references. Does she post regular , is she active , does she have good standing reviews , where does she post. Google her number and see what else it pulls up , some times pimps use their ladies as references. Google HIS number and see what it pulls up, check date check. THIS CAN NOT BE DONE RIGHT AWAY IT TAKE TIME. If a person can not wait that long then move on and let it be on someone else.

If he is using ladies only as references make sure you TALK TO THE LADY and do not just text !! Always contact through a board this way either provider or client can validate who they are. There are to many names that are similar in spelling , it can get confusing.

Safety should always come first , yours then your clients . You should always be a safe and comforting place for him.
With that being said remember this is your personal space, your real name on the lease, rent or room... Its your face out there, your reputation, your degree and in some cases your children if you get busted.

The bottom line ladies is when you see someone you become a reference for them and your reputation is involved. The safety of the other ladies he will choose to see after you lies in your hands.

Gimmeallten$'s Avatar
There was a major incident back on ASPD couple years back where someone who was using a screener had a provider friend of his that owed him a solid give false information to make it through the screener to see Holly and it proved how easy it was to pass just about anyone's screening.........

Just saying.

The biggest issue is that those who are reading this thread are most likely not the ones who will be in trouble but rather the new girls posting for the first time in the Welcome Wagon. The only way to catch and stop that would be for every new girl to get an immediate warning email from a fellow provider
that gives out a basic of the bad guys to avoid. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
LL, I kinda remember something like that was his handle Wild***** if this is the same dude that provider bolted to H-town. Just continue to mow the grass and hope that keeps most of the weeds from coming back.