Crack Down on Online Poker

atlcomedy's Avatar
I'm of the opinion any DOJ would prosecute this, once they opened a case and investigated to realize the techniques being used, which are designed to trick banks into processing banned transactions.

If you look back at recent history, the DOJ has been after online gambling well into the Bush administration.


The domain seizure is obscene. Such action should only be possible with due process, and as a lawfully found criminal penalty. The same goes for any government seizure of property, whether it be a bank account, a car, or a bundle of cash. Originally Posted by Black Sedan
Yeah I don't know all the political backstory...but this goes back to Bush's Administration...

(& this is not a comment on Clinton's adminstration, just that at the time this was all so new...)...& I'd bet Clinton would have done the same thing.
Both my bros are dealers in Vegas at the top casinos. They're down from making $300-400 a day in tips to $60. Word is Steve Wynn is pushing the crackdown along with getting the Feds to legalize it and issue licenses. Current sites will not get licenses. Who is Senate Majority leader and where is he from? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Wynn just formed a partnership with PokerStars -- he dropped out this week.
Sisyphus's Avatar
The really funny least to this happened the same week that DC proposed a law that legalize on-line gambling if the servers & the players were both in the District.

Coincidence?? I thinck not...

They just wanted those domain names for the first 3 licensees...
(just peeping to give my 2 little cents worth) If they would legalize little things like oh... e economy would go up. LOL and America would be a happier place...hell focus on real issues! Think about it
Gamble (win money)---> Spend said money on a provider--->Happy Man------> happy man tolerate 24/7 hell at home maybe even give SO some shopping money---->happy SO---->happy SO spends money shopping-----> economy goes up! BAM! Lacy for president!!
On a serious note- this is just another way to control the little people they call Americans... its all going to hell in a hand basket. I often wonder what our soldiers are really fighting for anymore. (off topic? Sorry)