I just turned 68, I prefer to keep things in perspective! "Daddy", "old man", "mister", "sir" all work nicely. Nice to do battle with your morals some times so long as the young'n keeps her side straight . . . "young . . . (whatever fits).
Thing that gets under my collar has nothing to do with the hobby. A lot of times I go to a fast food joint or wherever and the young lady behind the counter calls me "sweetie" or "dear" or some such thing. A seriously hot admin type at Centerpoint was checking me out of the ER, she called me "sweetie". She was NOT used to a man teaching her the people skills her parents did not teach her. In my world that is reverse sexism, she would have been pissed if I called her "babe" or some such thing and she admitted to that.
My 2¢