excerise routines for 50+ male

Go to beachbody.com, the home of Insanity and P90X. There are lots of workouts for men and women of all ages. And, if you eat fast food daily, drink alcohol daily and consume saturated fats, you're gonna have to cut it out for the programs to work.

I did Insanity (cardio) when I was almost 60. Lost 30 lbs. (212 to 182) went to 11 on the body fat scale in 60 days. Lost any aches and pains I had, too.
SammyGold's Avatar
Sorry to bump an aging thread, but this is on point and timely for me.

I'm going on 50 this year and I'd say that I'm half-way through my big lifestyle turnaround. Mr Mojo's comments above are fantastic - gotta change the environment first. I also took notes on the weight routine he described.

For me, I tried the weights when I first started but I was in too shitty shape for it to help. I first had to get the diet under control. I'm 5'6" and went from 230 to 190 in about 4-5 months. Nothing crazy fast. Eating healthy is definitely the key. But what also helped more for me was intermittent fasting - lots of small meals did NOT work for me. Instead, it was two bigger meals between noon and 8pm and nothing else. I did depend on this weird but tasty iced tea concoction I found online and modified - brewed green tea, lemon juice, honey, and Siracha. Puckered my lips and belly and kept the hunger pangs to a minimum.

For meals it was no dairy and very limited carbs. Heavy on protein and veggies - usually a nice hunk of grilled meat and steamed veggies for dinner. I'd slip in a potato or rice now and then as a treat. I've never been a junk food guy and so dropping any processed food, snacks, dessert, sugar, etc. was easy. Like I said weights didn't add much for me at the beginning but I did do the "Couch-to-5k" program to get my fat ass off the couch and do some Cardio. That worked for me as well.

I'm happy with where I've gotten to so far - it's nice to lose the belly, not be sucking air, and also see my dick for a change when I'm plowing the 20 somethings from this site.

But I'm not done yet and the advice in this thread is helpful. My goal has always been to get to 170 or so, but I've been stuck at 190 for several months now. Time to change strategy and add in the weights for real. I've been looking for routines and advice for older gents and this has been helpful.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Kegel has it's benefits no doubt. In time you might be able to piss over a fence, but it won't give you washboard abs.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I used to do Kegels when I was younger.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

looking at Jim Stoppani's shred workout. what I like about is that you do cardio between sets. keeps the blood flowing. pretty rigorous excercise routines. lot of stuff to remember. lol!
All of gyms work to get hard muscles, but you can have hard muscles under a layer or two of fat so you would still look like shit. I really get bored with weights. Diet might be the most important thing that you can do, Cut as much bread out of your diet as possible. I used to lift so I'm satisfied with size, I mainly want to feel good, be firm and look as good as possible.

The routine that works for me is hot yoga 3 or 4 times a week, 75-100 miles per week on a bike and random tennis.
SammyGold's Avatar
Now that you mention it, muscle under fat makes sense. I see lots of big guys at the gym lifting incredible weight but looking like shit. It was confusing to me but it makes sense with what you said. What's the point of strength if you look like that?

What is hot yoga - does that mean yoga in a hot room? Or some kind of mix of cardio and yoga?

I'm still doing my research but I'm making my way toward some kind of weekly schedule with a good mix of flexibility, cardio, strength training and diet. I'll stick with the intermittent fasting if I can - might be harder as I add more training. I used to do yoga and I like the idea of going back to that for flexibility. I'm reading that's what goes first as we age. Plus a room full of women in yoga gear ain't bad either.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What is hot yoga - does that mean yoga in a hot room? Or some kind of mix of cardio and yoga? Originally Posted by SammyGold

there are several versions of it.

but yeah, yoga exercises in a hot room or a in a hot climate.
Hot yoga or bikram yoga is 60 (or sometimes 90) minutes of 30ish postures that work muscles and organs. It firms up most core muscles and improves flexibility, breathing and balance. I also think that it motivates me to eat better, you don't want to do it after overeating. Get used to sweating though, I have weighed myself before and after, I usually lose about 4lbs of water weight in the 90 minute class.

There are enough guys doing it so you don't feel like a creep, not all of the women are at their peak, but you will find the hottest women in town in those classes, lol.
Sorry to bump an aging thread, but this is on point and timely for me.

I'm going on 50 this year and I'd say that I'm half-way through my big lifestyle turnaround. Mr Mojo's comments above are fantastic - gotta change the environment first. I also took notes on the weight routine he described.

For me, I tried the weights when I first started but I was in too shitty shape for it to help. I first had to get the diet under control. I'm 5'6" and went from 230 to 190 in about 4-5 months. Nothing crazy fast. Eating healthy is definitely the key. But what also helped more for me was intermittent fasting - lots of small meals did NOT work for me. Instead, it was two bigger meals between noon and 8pm and nothing else. I did depend on this weird but tasty iced tea concoction I found online and modified - brewed green tea, lemon juice, honey, and Siracha. Puckered my lips and belly and kept the hunger pangs to a minimum.

For meals it was no dairy and very limited carbs. Heavy on protein and veggies - usually a nice hunk of grilled meat and steamed veggies for dinner. I'd slip in a potato or rice now and then as a treat. I've never been a junk food guy and so dropping any processed food, snacks, dessert, sugar, etc. was easy. Like I said weights didn't add much for me at the beginning but I did do the "Couch-to-5k" program to get my fat ass off the couch and do some Cardio. That worked for me as well.

I'm happy with where I've gotten to so far - it's nice to lose the belly, not be sucking air, and also see my dick for a change when I'm plowing the 20 somethings from this site.

But I'm not done yet and the advice in this thread is helpful. My goal has always been to get to 170 or so, but I've been stuck at 190 for several months now. Time to change strategy and add in the weights for real. I've been looking for routines and advice for older gents and this has been helpful. Originally Posted by SammyGold
Sounds to me like you're doing pretty good. The only thing I would object to is, if you're grilling meat over charcoal cut it out and use a gas grill. I live in Louisiana and just like Texas we're grill freaks here too. I've read so many negatives about grilling meat over charcoal especially fatty meats like sausages. You mentioned you steam veggies definitely keep doing that. Stay away from refined sugar and processed meats for ever. Incorporate unfiltered raw honey into your diet as a sweetener, I even put it into my coffee. We are getting older and we have to change our diet we can't eat like teenagers anymore. In the gym, experiment with different combinations of weights, reps and sets. Just remember we are all different. What works for one guy may not work for you. Don't be afraid to try supplements just do them in moderation to learn how your body reacts to them. Above all else have a good time.
