Who is close to the fires?

Yep, this should be about thoughts and prayers for those whose lives are changing drastically and forever. My San Diego house was almost consumed by the wildfire in 03, and we had no escape route whatsoever. Watched our neighbors homes go up, and hunkered down next to the firefighters who set up their command post in front of our house. It sucks, it's scary and it makes one seriously reevaluate life.

So hope, love and prayers to all those affected, and THANKS to those who care and share. This is not about politics, its about life and death. Been there, done that - twice.
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  • 04-21-2011, 09:19 AM
aww guys c'mon. This should be a thread showing the love!

C xx Originally Posted by Camille
Thats is what we were doing, we just do it different down here in Texas.
Yep, this should be about thoughts and prayers for those whose lives are changing drastically and forever. My San Diego house was almost consumed by the wildfire in 03, and we had no escape route whatsoever. Watched our neighbors homes go up, and hunkered down next to the firefighters who set up their command post in front of our house. It sucks, it's scary and it makes one seriously reevaluate life.

So hope, love and prayers to all those affected, and THANKS to those who care and share. This is not about politics, its about life and death. Been there, done that - twice. Originally Posted by topguntex
Agreed. I, too, lost a house and all belongings to fire. I don't care who you are or where you live, you need to be prepared for a natural disaster.

Go HERE to learn how.
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  • WTF
  • 04-21-2011, 09:33 AM
Why is this reminding me of the debate we had a couple of months back on the guy who did not pay for fire protection and the Firefighters let his hose burn?

Everything is political folks!
...it was supposed to be about glamour, elegance and sophistication, all of which are generally considered to require social grace and skills. Which require that topics which could lead to unpleasantness or public distress be avoided or carefully couched in very unoffensive ways. Maybe politics invade evey part of life, but that doesn't mean one must air dirty laundry or be ill-mannered in public.

Personally, I prefer to relish the fine qualities of Camille, both her caring and her physical and mental beauty. Thanks for your concern, sweet lady.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Kinda like you just did Originally Posted by WTF
WTF is running to Mommy and saying...He hit me back!!

I stayed right on thread point until your twin brother jumped in with politics. Then yes...I hit him back.

Guess you're having trouble putting yourself in another's shoes, huh?
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  • WTF
  • 04-21-2011, 01:07 PM
WTF is running to Mommy and saying...He hit me back!!

I stayed right on thread point until your twin brother jumped in with politics. Then yes...I hit him back.

Guess you're having trouble putting yourself in another's shoes, huh? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
No...all I was doing was commenting on the facts.

I was not running to mommy. I was not judging if it was right or wrong to inject politics into the thread. I just commented on the fact that you had done the very thing you found intresting:
It's always interesting to me to see how some of you take a tragedy that is occuring to hundreds of your state brethern...and use it to cast a political statement. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

Now were I to put myself in your national shoes, I might comment on the fact that I did not build a house in a God forsaken part of the country that gets very little rain. Furthermore , though tragic, those folks should be saving for a tragedy such as this and not expect the rest of the country to come running to their aid. That we have a two face political hack as Gov is nothing new, that you would defend him is somewhat of a suprise....that is until I put myself in your funky old boots!
What can you say?

http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2...dfires/100050/ Originally Posted by Egrbvr
Those are some awesome and terrifying pics!!!!

[Nice to see someone else reads The Atlantic.]
Rudyard K's Avatar
No...all I was doing was commenting on the facts.

I was not running to mommy. I was not judging if it was right or wrong to inject politics into the thread. I just commented on the fact that you had done the very thing you found intresting:

Now were I to put myself in your national shoes, I might comment on the fact that I did not build a house in a God forsaken part of the country that gets very little rain. Furthermore , though tragic, those folks should be saving for a tragedy such as this and not expect the rest of the country to come running to their aid. That we have a two face political hack as Gov is nothing new, that you would defend him is somewhat of a suprise....that is until I put myself in your funky old boots! Originally Posted by WTF
I see...when you comment...you're just commenting on the facts. When others comment on the facts, they can't see things from your Soloman like view.

I've said several times, I don't like our current Gov. But even the lowest life person on the earth occasionally does something good. Since he is the Gov of Texas, I would think a guy with your inate empathetic abiltites would be able to recognize that the Gov of Texas is supposed to fight for Texas. In this case?...he did.

Maybe your other people shoe wearing abilities, needs to head to the cobbler. It appears there are plenty of holes in it.
What can you say?

http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2...dfires/100050/ Originally Posted by Egrbvr
Holy crap! That does look very frightening

Charles and Topgun, so sorry to hear that you have lost a home and/or been close to similiar situations before. Touch wood, I've been fortunate to miss most disasters and have never lost (or known anyone close to me that has) their home. I cannot imagine what that must feel like, even though you are grateful for your lives.

Hugs to you both

C xxxxxxxxx
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  • WTF
  • 04-21-2011, 09:25 PM
I see...when you comment...you're just commenting on the facts. When others comment on the facts, they can't see things from your Soloman like view.
. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
They can if they put themselves in my shoes! I know you have the ability, it is the effort that is lacking on your part.

We both commented on the facts, we both then followed that up with cheapshot political commentary. Not really all that hard to read there Nostradamus

I've said several times, I don't like our current Gov. But even the lowest life person on the earth occasionally does something good. Since he is the Gov of Texas, I would think a guy with your inate empathetic abiltites would be able to recognize that the Gov of Texas is supposed to fight for Texas. In this case?...he did.

. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Rick Perry fights for he, himself and not I.

But yea in theory he is suppossed to fight for us.

Maybe your other people shoe wearing abilities, needs to head to the cobbler. It appears there are plenty of holes in it. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
It is warming up down here so until the first freeze hits I am happy as pigs in slop with my air conditioned shoes and on that note I am going to bed.

I hope all you fella's got all these loopholes figured out by morning!
I give up
discreetgent's Avatar
I give up Originally Posted by Camille
You are a study in patience if it took you so long.
Holy crap! That does look very frightening

Charles and Topgun, so sorry to hear that you have lost a home and/or been close to similiar situations before. Touch wood, I've been fortunate to miss most disasters and have never lost (or known anyone close to me that has) their home. I cannot imagine what that must feel like, even though you are grateful for your lives.

Hugs to you both

C xxxxxxxxx Originally Posted by Camille
Thank You Camille. Very sweet of you. CT, I feel for your loss.