So I have been purusing a little........

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
There was a scene of this in the movie "Pretty Baby" where a guy is wrapped in Saran in a whorehouse during a raid. Pretty damn funny watching him trying to get away when only able to bunny hop while wrapped up tight with the exception of his penis being left open and flopping about.

We had a young lady down here in SA that swore she would never do the Saran Wrap thing again. Too uncomfortable. Originally Posted by Doglegg
Back in the day, we used to do body wraps at the beauty salons. I'm not sure if people still do that or not. Probably not.

At the nicer ones, you were wrapped in what looked like industrial black trash bags. And then you were covered with facial mud and could relax.

Sometimes, they would use just plain Saran Wrap. I always hated getting covered up like that. Guess that isn't around any longer. But I can see where a female wouldn't wish to be covered with that stuff.

BRING SCISSORS!!!!! You HAVE to have scissors with you when you do this. Or it really helps!