Its not a victory lap....
Originally Posted by a10bomb
I respectfully disagree. There is plenty of documentation in existing threads of the results of Italia's actions and how the OP contributed (probably unwittingly, I'll grant him that) to those actions. But by starting a completely new thread on the topic, the OP continues his long-standing history of "look at me!" self-aggrandizement and desire to be a "somebody" on a hooker board. Yes, outing is wrong and should and will be dealt with in the most severe ways possible. But there's nothing to be gained by this thread other that a stroke to SL's ego.
This stinks more like a victory lap for the OP than a public shaming. Let it go. Doesn't Austin have enough drama for you?
Originally Posted by CoverMe
I respectfully disagree. There is plenty of documentation in existing threads of the results of Italia's actions and how the OP contributed (probably unwittingly, I'll grant him that) to those actions. But by starting a completely new thread on the topic, the OP continues his long-standing history of "look at me!" self-aggrandizement and desire to be a "somebody" on a hooker board. Yes, outing is wrong and should and will be dealt with in the most severe ways possible. But there's nothing to be gained by this thread other that a stroke to SL's ego.
Originally Posted by CoverMe
Brother I appreciate you opinion. Hell your entitled to it and it's certainly welcome in not "my" but this "ThreAD". So now Im going to take the "Italia" part!
Hey CoverMe who the fuck you thinck you are posting in my threAD / Blog and doing anything but praising me and telling me how Bitchen I am. Just enjoy looking at the same AD pics of my hairy crotch and shut up. And if you don't I'm going to go after one of the providers you reviewed... Slave G. I'll out her, and threaten her and will stop at nothing to destroy her. Even thou I could care less about this site and the people here you're going to stop or else! So get out of "my" ThreAD or I will not be responsible for my actions! Yes I know many people are coming out of the wood work telling me to stop but I could care less. Choice is all yours Cover Up!?
I'll let the wildly entertaining Sheree Whitfield speak to my vote:
The YouTube version with sound is better. I tried to embed it but couldn't sort it out.
Hey SL how do I embed a YouTube like you do on your awesome posts?
Peace, Love, and #BHILF
Originally Posted by Jefferson Starfish
Posting Video
Posting a Video is pretty easy....
Open your browser and go to YouTube
Find the YouTube video you want to post
In The Browser Line Up Top... Copy & Paste the "CODE" which is what’s after the = sign
Now while on ECCIE... at the right TOP you see the YouYube ICON? Click it and it will open YouTube Quotes
Right Chick and paste the code you copied and hit submit
Make SURE you are INBETWEEN the Quote Signs….with no spaces
One thing I've noticed about San Antonio board members is that when one of its members falls on hard times many rally support and help in what ever way they can.
Italia has decided rather than admit she screwed up by falsely accusing Slave Guinevere that she caused "me" to question her ownership of a COED ThreAD / BLOG, instead she decided to take her frustrations out slave by OUTING her here. Then after that was promptly EDITED and she got a year vacation (Hopefully Permanent Soon) she then decided to go to social media and out Slave. Even that wasn't good enough...then she threatened to harm Slave and stated she was going to show up at her in call and was inviting people to come watch. Still not done she then starts texting and outing slave to others.
PLEASE let's send a message to any fucking hood rat bitch that thincks its okay to OUT fellow board members. Also lets send a message to those that condone or support Italia or any one that conduct themselves in this fashion.