Discrimination in ...

I'm highly prejudiced... I only WANT to see girls like the one Dennis just posted!!! Roflmao! Man, is she hot and when they have a 'tude like what's on her shirt, doesn't that make them even hotter?

This is such a silly topic. There is SOOOO much candy in the candy store, all I can think about is WHO I'm gonna do, ooops, I mean see next and when! So much pussy, so little time. Why waste it?!
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Until we are "forced" to see a provider outside of our own comfort zone, we (males) don't have any room to complain about a ladies choice.

Hasn't this horse been beaten enough?
the hobby.

I have seen many ads with remarks like " no black men", "latino while only" etc

Also one provider here on ECCIE, is reputed to refuse older guys.

Do you think we should boycott providers who discriminate?

Originally Posted by sanan

Just because I don't ***k, black men doesn't make me racial!!
some guys probably think some of us ladies are too old for them-I just like older guys-because they DO treat a girl better-and no bs-I'm not saying all older guys are respectful or all young guys are immature-just would rather play with mature Gents(my preference)
I'm not saying I am or are not-its my own business..............I hope this doesn't turn into a freakin' racial thread........boring!!!!
Until we are "forced" to see a provider outside of our own comfort zone, we (males) don't have any room to complain about a ladies choice.

Hasn't this horse been beaten enough? Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
+1...........good response
Karla, agree, so you think they would let us hijack this thread to "what was the best you ever got and what are you doing right now to do one better?" lol. Is having toooo much fun bad for you? Roflmao!
sanan's Avatar
  • sanan
  • 04-22-2011, 11:50 AM
Hi, my name is blaktygre and I'm a hobbiest and a AA man. (Waves to crowd).in the end does it really matter why a provider does not see AA men? Not really. Ultimately its her choice. Me knowing the reason why she won't see me isn't going to change the fact that she still won't see me. I respect the ones that post openly that they don't. Saves me time and effort in trying to schedule just to be shotdown. Instead of worrying about the ones who won't or why they won't better to worry about the likki niki's, sonya's, amber hskpr's, naughty jezabelle's, ezra's, penny lane's, pepper springfield's, etc.. who will and have the dilemna of who to see next!!

BT! Originally Posted by blaktygre
I don't have any problem with Ps that do it, but I do have a problem with them doing it to *you*.

If discrimination is unacceptable, so it should be everywhere.

blaktygre's Avatar
Understandable. Discrimination to me is uacceptable. However, in our lil fantasy world we all pick and choose(discriminate) who we would like to see. My money goes to my specific tastes for that day. As stated, I will worry about choosing a lady who I know will see me. Take for example ms. Karla here. I've never seen her in person. Would I like to? Yes of course (hot and sexy, duh). However her choice is to not cater to AA men. Racial or not, it is her option. I don't have a problem with that. Do I think any less of her as a person? No. Again, its her option. Am I offended that she won't see me? No. Not really. Just because I can afford to eat at ruth chris doesn't mean I have to or am obligated to. I'm happy with outback steakhouse.

BT! Equal opportunity lover!

And to quote tx john loosely~yes this horse has definitely been beaten to a bloody pulp!!!
sympleman's Avatar
Originally Posted by Likinikki

LMAO!! Fucking Classic!
HI Nikk
I completely agree with BT... "racism is unacceptable," however, a provider does not necessarily have to be *racist* to have an NBA policy.

I'll agree there are a few *racist* providers out there...but, the ones I've noticed make it very obvious they're *racist,* so they pretty much out themselves. The idea of a lynch mob just rings of hate...do we really need more hate around here?

Hi Sympy!! (wink, wink!)
Understandable. Discrimination to me is uacceptable. However, in our lil fantasy world we all pick and choose(discriminate) who we would like to see. My money goes to my specific tastes for that day. As stated, I will worry about choosing a lady who I know will see me. Take for example ms. Karla here. I've never seen her in person. Would I like to? Yes of course (hot and sexy, duh). However her choice is to not cater to AA men. Racial or not, it is her option. I don't have a problem with that. Do I think any less of her as a person? No. Again, its her option. Am I offended that she won't see me? No. Not really. Just because I can afford to eat at ruth chris doesn't mean I have to or am obligated to. I'm happy with outback steakhouse.

BT! Equal opportunity lover!

And to quote tx john loosely~yes this horse has definitely been beaten to a bloody pulp!!! Originally Posted by blaktygre

Taken like a man!!......probably as best put as I've heard......Hmm I've never ate at Ruth Chris' Steakhouse..........oh man I am so wanting a big juicy steak with a fully loaded baked potato and an ice cold Cola.........ahhhhhhhhhhhh.... ..................beautiful
Let's just be happy
promdate's Avatar
i think that every lady has a right to "see" anyone they want OR don't want to "see"! as long as they openly post their preferences. as a hobbyist we make our preferences known by calling or not calling a provider! on a personal note: I emphatically will not see any provider who has more leg hair than me!!
FootLong's Avatar
What an excellent response from BT, taking the high road. Kudos. While I have personally experienced that lil' hottie Karla (and hope to do so again), I am not shedding a tear for BT, that silver-tongued (and other parts) whoresman, as I know the quality of babes he has scored, with or without payola.

Plenty of variety here for everyone. Now let's get it on!
blaktygre's Avatar
Why ya gotta cut me, sir long of foot? I thought we were bruthas?! Ya cut me deep! J/k.

Karla, you just made my mouth water!