IN YOUR FACE WHISPERS Originally Posted by Mata LeonIn regards to? Seems like the ladies are supporting the intent of the thread...... You can't force these ladies into acts and then label them submissive...... That only related if it is something you are doing though..... Are you in this thread to justify your actions?
I'd also like to add. If she tenses up and is trying to dodge where your are trying to put it while she's saying no.. Doesn't mean she's playing "hard to get" Originally Posted by VictoriaLynvery true.....
Not a submissive at all. Submission isn't literally taken. A sub gives because she wants to not because she has too. I realize there is a lot of porn out there about forced submission. Then there is Rape porn. People need to realize there is a difference. Try to confuse the two with a submissive woman with a dominant personality and you will learn a lesson. The lesson being that Submissive does not mean weak or gullible. Originally Posted by Tequila RoseExactly......
The point here is..... bullying someone into an act either by aggressive posturing or holding a review over her head that will "make or break her on ECCIE" does NOT make her a submissive.....
Labeling her as such in a review sets her up for more unpleasantness as well as sets a guy seeing her up for possible disappointment if that was what he is looking for.