DonT Care 3: The walking dead

Now they just want to shit on everybody. Serve us right for letting them try and figure it out. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup. If it collapses on its OWN, are not those same people who liberals claim Trump is 'shitting on' going to be Shit out of Luck anyway??
Trey's Avatar
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  • 07-18-2017, 04:18 PM
Trumpcare? Trump had nothing to do with the creation or idea of this bill unlike Obama. This McConnell's fuck up. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Trump has nothing to offer. No idea no plan no leadership. His new plan is just sit there and pout like bitch baby. Not actually try and work together. No give up.

You just make excuses for him. You know he will fail at taxes too as he has no plan. Knows it will fail so he will then blame someone else, again.
Trump has nothing to offer. No idea no plan no leadership. His new plan is just sit there and pout like bitch baby. Not actually try and work together. No give up.

You just make excuses for him. You know he will fail at taxes too as he has no plan. Knows it will fail so he will then blame someone else, again. Originally Posted by Trey
well you should be use to that airhead that's all the monkey Obama did for 8 years was lead from behind and blame Bush
bamscram's Avatar
Trumpcare? Trump had nothing to do with the creation or idea of this bill unlike Obama. This McConnell's fuck up. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The house and senate crafted the affordable health care bill. When Obama signed it then Obamacare was coined.
Trump is still sitting at his desk pen in hand waiting for something to appear for him to sign. When he does then it will be Trumpcare. Fair is fair?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yssup. If it collapses on its OWN, are not those same people who liberals claim Trump is 'shitting on' going to be Shit out of Luck anyway?? Originally Posted by garhkal
So who benefits by letting it collapse? The millions who don't know from day to day whether they'll have health coverage? They should be bent over because Twitler and the Flock of Dipshits can't do their job?

How about they deliver what they promised?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So who benefits by letting it collapse? The millions who don't know from day to day whether they'll have health coverage? They should be bent over because Twitler and the Flock of Dipshits can't do their job?

How about they deliver what they promised? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
repeal is what they promised and reps are trying to welch on that promise.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-18-2017, 10:56 PM
You forgot replace. They always, and I mean every time, said repeal AND replace.
You forgot replace. They always, and I mean every time, said repeal AND replace. Originally Posted by Trey
They should just simply repeal. Replacing is just more heart ache and trouble.

So who benefits by letting it collapse? The millions who don't know from day to day whether they'll have health coverage? They should be bent over because Twitler and the Flock of Dipshits can't do their job?

How about they deliver what they promised? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You DO know that by law no hospital can REFUSE you service.. BY law, they still have to see you.
So even if it collapses, people won't be getting turned away..

As to the "Do what was promised". WHICH Promise? The ones Republicans have been saying SINCE OBAMA care came into law, "IT WILL BE REPEALED"?? Or the one that shifted to "we need to repeal and replace it" right after Trump won the election?

You forgot replace. They always, and I mean every time, said repeal AND replace. Originally Posted by Trey
Wrong.. HEre aer a # of quotes that show it..

SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL, R-KY., JUNE 28, 2012: There's only one way to truly fix ObamaCare, only one way, and that's a full repeal. A full repeal, that's been our goal from the start, that's our goal now, and we plan to achieve it.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, R-S.C., MARCH 31, 2014: You can't repair this monstrosity. You've got to tear it down and start all over again.
The first time we saw 'repeal and replace' was back in 2015...
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  • Trey
  • 07-28-2017, 12:48 AM
Im watching Mitch McConnell's boo hoo speech. I hope they can work together and fix O care.

Prepare for trump to shit a brick on Twitter.
Im watching Mitch McConnell's boo hoo speech. I hope they can work together and fix O care.

Prepare for trump to shit a brick on Twitter. Originally Posted by Trey
I hope he shits a lot of bricks. It might help save some of the cost to build the wall, lol.

LexusLover's Avatar
The house and senate crafted the affordable health care bill. When Obama signed it then Obamacare was coined. Originally Posted by bamscram
Which took about seven years with constant administrative tweaking after they read it with government assistance to shore up "enrollees" and insurance companies who participated UNTIL ALL THE REGS KICKED IN .... and then neither could afford to participate any longer.

So 5 months into this administration and Congress they are working on undoing the failure.
bamscram's Avatar
Which took about seven years with constant administrative tweaking after they read it with government assistance to shore up "enrollees" and insurance companies who participated UNTIL ALL THE REGS KICKED IN .... and then neither could afford to participate any longer.

So 5 months into this administration and Congress they are working on undoing the failure. Originally Posted by LexusLover
How is "skinny repeal" working for you?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-28-2017, 08:25 AM
I hope he shits a lot of bricks. It might help save some of the cost to build the wall, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I hope he shits a lot of bricks. It might help save some of the cost to build the wall, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Fucking RETARD.