Are you not on single pay ,It's not like you have a choice. When you turn 65, Madicare becomes your primary carrier.
Medicare Originally Posted by WTF
It's not like you have a choice. When you turn 65, Madicare becomes your primary carrier.Which imho is how universal care should work.
Most "retired" people pay about $100 bucks a month. If they choose go into Plan B or C, it's more.
However, if you continue to work after 65, and make a substantial wage, you get charged considerably more, depending on how much your income is.
wherebthey get you is if you tell the Government to get fucked, no insurance company will give you coverage without charging you a exorbinate rate. So you are better off entering Medicare and get a supliment to make up the difference. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And since a good # of those who are in office, RAN on a repeal platform, they are obviously NOT honoring their pledge to those who voted them in. Originally Posted by garhkalToo bad they never had to say what "repeal" actually means. It is easy to make unsubstantiated grand comments while running. Much harder to actually DO it when the time comes because then there has to be something in enough detail to write down.
Which imho is how universal care should work.Yeah, that's how it should work. Have private hospitals with the best doctors for people who can afford it. Butcher shops and shoemakers for people who opt for single payer. That's how the Canadian system works. The Rich hosers come to the US for treatment.
Basic coverage and private insurance if you want more. Originally Posted by WTF