Guys...Face or Blurr/Hidden/Cut Out?

April_Showers's Avatar
Cpalmson, that's what always made me nervous about the blurring, that you can undo it or even some I can pretty clearly see through anyway so it seemed kind of funny they had it blurred.

I was surprised that the men didn't mind it, I thought maybe it was a "bad" thing that I didn't show my face (it might just be my best aspect lol).

I'm not comfortable with the emailing face pics just after screening, it'd have to be after I met them and got a feel for them and then any pic I sent that had my face in it would definitely not be "showing anything".
whitechocolate's Avatar
I am an "eye" man and definitely want to see a face pic but I do respect the privacy concerns so I do as Naomi does and request a face picture after screening which works out well if they are willing to send one. In the ads, I do prefer blurring to whiting out the face.
true_whatever's Avatar
The only things that really work, in my opinion, are cropping, NO face appearance, or savage blurring. Cpalmson mentioned the reverse-blurring thing, so maybe that's not even safe.

The girls that partially obstruct their face with objects, or only slightly turn to the side, or use light blurring...I can't imagine a friend/relative not being able to recognize them from that.

If you're going to partially show your face, show the mouth and chin region. It's the best way to show nice teeth and allure without being recognizable. Showing the eyes (even one) dramatically increases the chances of being recognized.

Like most guys I obviously prefer to see the whole face, but I understand and appreciate the discreetness that is necessary for these ladies.
London Rayne's Avatar
Yes there is software that can un-blur a face, but it also depends on what you have done to the photos before you blur them lol. I won't elaborate, but you can distort them to the point of not being recognized should someone use this software. I won't elaborate in public, but photoshop is your friend in these cases.

I won't do the side shot because as "true-whatever" stated, it won't do much good in being discreet. I provide where I live, work, and go to school and it's not hard to figure out who I am. I don't mind if a guy sees my face after screening, but I won't send him those pics via email. I will likely send him to a site not associated with any escort services and let him view me there...just ask DED. That way if he decides to copy the pic and say, "Look ya'll this is London," there is no proof that the girl in the pic is an escort.

I don't know about anyone else, but a dime is not worth ruining my future in the long run. I know I am losing business over it but I don't much care. Many men that I see have told me they would never take an escort in public who shows her face for fear of being outed with her. Most of my dates are multi-hour and half of that is in public. It only takes one time.
memdal's Avatar
Full face first choice. Profile second choice. Hair draped to cover enough to make effective cover third. Blur fourth. All shot from back fifth. Completely cut out last. I also find the compromise of one face photo that if pulled out is harmless enough to show your mother to be an interesting option.

To me this is totally up to the ladies who have to be comfortable with their level of privacy. But, they have to weigh that against the effectiveness of the advertising element of the photos knowing that most hobbyists have limited resources and must make decisions based on how much we know in terms of looks, services and reputation. A great reputation and strong reviews of a lady that never shows her face will always win out over seeing the face but not having much information about the experience to expect.
London Rayne's Avatar
A great reputation and strong reviews of a lady that never shows her face will always win out over seeing the face but not having much information about the experience to expect. Originally Posted by memdal

ben dover's Avatar
London is right, if I blur a face it can't be unblurred. It takes an extra step or two but you can't rebuild what isn't there. The photset of Nina's is done very well! ...BD
rogerdodger's Avatar
i appreciate the ladies concerns about their faces being recognized - my world being what it is ... i am extremely visual about facial appearance. i would prefer classic "centerfold poses" with a decent face pic over full nudity anytime.

of course, YMMV ...
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I prefer unobscured facial pics myself. I used to be really adamant about not seeing a woman based on that but have relaxed somewhat. I do understand privacy but compromises could be made I'm sure.
In all honesty, I prefer to see a woman's face in her pics. I'm a firm believer in "truth in advertising". However, I completely understand the need for providers to have some discretion while protecting privacy. Although, there is a part of me wondering "what is she hiding, buck teeth and warts ?" Seriously though, it really doesn't matter to me, and I don't make decisions based on whether or not her pics show her face. Now, if the gal does decide to hide her face, I prefer the more natural way with head turned or creative photographic angles. Cropped pics are fine but obvious as to the intent of the provider, and finally, the blur is an all to completely obvious sign that the provider doesn't want her face revealed. I will offer one piece of caution for those who blur. There is software out there that can remove the blur, swirl or whatever method that is being used to obscure the face. Remember this. That which can be done by software can be undone by software. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Oh please, just because a lady doesn't want to show her face doesn't mean she is ugly. I mean, you do know the risk of getting arrested is a very real risk?? If we were advertising house cleaning or nursing services and still blurring our faces, then it would seem odd to blur a face out.

Cropping is the same as blurring. I could say cropping is tacky. The end result is the same, your not showing your face. And sometimes it's impossible to crop your face without destroying the picture, so blurring is better in this situation. I know some men who prefer non-professional photos vs. professional ones because they feel non-pro pics are more genuine and a more accurate representation of the escort. Some feel "glamour" shots are trying to hide something. Now, thats a debate right there.

I heard there was software that could do that, but doesn't it only work if you have a certain type of photo??
Oh one more thing, I've talked to fellas who prefer a lady to blur her face vs. showing the entire face. Why? Because they like the discrete factor she is putting forth. Many men do not want to be seen with a women who might be recognised as an escort. Whether she is walking to your room at a hotel, coming to your house, or out to dinner with you.