Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Such bs, the debt started during the financial crisis that happened under GW. You leave out the details. +
"Debt increases are a function of the government not being able to pay its bills. Too little revenue (taxes) compared to costs (spending), and you have a deficit."
(WaPo) Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Odumbo's Recovery In Just 9 ChartsWhat a fool. Has to post stuff from a fake news website with Russian ties.
(ZeroHedge) Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Charles Ortel brings attention to a critical document in the FBI vault.Charles Ortel is another fake news writer on Breitbart but obviously you believe this garbage.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Wrong! Odumbo, not Bush, owns fiscal year 2009! The numbers in the graph are FALSE! This is libtard historical revisionist crap!Just more wacked out fake news stuff. I doubt you can read but I did read it. Peter Ferera a political hack from the Heartland Institute( A far right wing thinktank) gave an opinion piece which is total bullshit. Forbes even gave a disclaimer but to the Trumpees, this is fact.You guys are not smart enough to think on your own and can only copy and paste Alt right crazy nut articles from insane people. He is a hired gun with zero credibility that writes crazy shit articles so dumbasses that can't think have an article to reference when then post some lies on a blog.
"...for fiscal year 2009, President Bush in February, 2008 proposed a budget with just a 3% spending increase over the prior year... the budget approved, enacted and implemented by Pelosi, Obama and the rest of the Congressional Democrat majorities provided for a 17.9 percent increase in spending for fiscal 2009!
Obama’s first major legislative initiative was the so-called stimulus, which increased future federal spending by nearly a trillion dollars, the most expensive single piece of legislation in history up to that point.
Obama worked with Pelosi’s Democrat Congress to pass an additional, $410 billion, supplemental spending bill for fiscal year 2009... (and) a $40 billion expansion in the SCHIP entitlement program.
Ungar’s analysis proceeds by not counting as part of Obama’s record all this precedent shattering fiscal 2009 spending, attributing that instead to Bush.
...leaving liberals alone to play with numbers is like leaving small children alone to play with matches."
Oh, and another important point - the utterly fake 1.4% odumbo number shown in Sissy Chap's bogus meme covers less than 3 out of 8 years of his tenure, since it was calculated in early 2012 (and excluded 2009, which was dishonestly attributed to Bush). Republicans took back control of Congress in the 2010 midterm elections and promptly curbed odumbo's spending spree in the debt-ceiling negotiations of 2011.
Sissy ChappedAss is so desperate for attention, he has to reach back 5 years to find a meme for his own thread... and it turns out to be completely BOGUS!
Originally Posted by lustylad