Venturing outside "vanilla"

Elisabeth's advice is spot-on. Speaking as someone who falls on the other side of the D/s spectrum, a huge pet peeve for me is a sloppy dom. It's totally fine to not know everything. When one is starting out in a new realm, that is usually the case.

The problem isn't the lack of knowledge but rather lack of transparency about what one does or doesn't know. I've played with partners who dominated me and whether they've reached a level of mastery or are just beginning to explore certain types of play, a marvelous and even healing and educational experience can be had when clarity and respect is centered.

So yes, it's totally okay to be a beginner Dom. Just don't do things to your sub like trying to pass off non-consensual physical and emotional abuse as kink.
Originally Posted by Lena Duvall

How would you tell a sloppy dom from a good one? For some reason the idea of sub play is starting to catch my interest just a little...