You know you're getting old when.......

pyramider's Avatar
When after seeing a young lady and chatting and relaxing, she says,"you are as old as my dad." Boy what a buzz kill. Originally Posted by geecue

And hoping she has daddy issues?
pyramider's Avatar
You know you're getting old if your Life Insurance has an expiration date! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Its called Term Life. The policy has a set date, 5-30 years, or a fixed length of time.
shorty's Avatar
Yep!! It really sucks when you out live your Million Dollar Policy and can't afford to pay the premiums now because your on a fixed income.
davidsmith0123's Avatar
You know you're getting old when you give a lecture and start talking about some 'important' past event and realize that your students were not even alive when the event happened. You know, not just the moon landing and vietnam, but even 'recent' events like Reagan, desert storm, Bush 1.