Former U.S. Attorney On Awan Indictment: "There Is Something Very Strange Going On Here"

Then perhaps she should get put into protective custody... So she doesn't have an accident before she gets to testify.
LexusLover's Avatar
Then perhaps she should get put into protective custody... So she doesn't have an accident before she gets to testify. Originally Posted by garhkal
She has credibility issues.

She can provide information that's all. She knows where the nuts are!
The Daily Caller has been doing a bang up job exposing the 0zombie corruption. Go to the bottom of this article and check out the links in RED. fuckem!


EXCLUSIVE: Wasserman Schultz’ ‘Islamophobia’ Claim Prompts Angered Marine To Go Public On Awans Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Although fraud is a major problem, the big problem is this guy and members of his family had Top Secret clearance, gotten access to many Democratic members accounts and email accounts, and weren't properly vetted. And this went on for years.
Although fraud is a major problem, the big problem is this guy and members of his family had Top Secret clearance, gotten access to many Democratic members accounts and email accounts, and weren't properly vetted. And this went on for years. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yes and a patriot is pissed...

  • UHOR
  • 08-28-2017, 01:02 AM
btw HOPE you are not be part of the MAMA IS TRASH GROUP
Although fraud is a major problem, the big problem is this guy and members of his family had Top Secret clearance, gotten access to many Democratic members accounts and email accounts, and weren't properly vetted. And this went on for years. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You can bet had those guys been doing this to the GOP< the media would eb all over this story..
LexusLover's Avatar
You can bet had those guys been doing this to the GOP< the media would eb all over this story.. Originally Posted by garhkal
They'd rather count tweets.

From now on they should be dubbed the "Tweet Twits"!
bamscram's Avatar
They'd rather count tweets.

From now on they should be dubbed the "Tweet Twits"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
From the twitter twat?
LexusLover's Avatar
From the twitter twat? Originally Posted by bamscram
I think naming them after you is a little "too much," don't you?
bamscram's Avatar
I think naming them after you is a little "too much," don't you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Another twitter twat?
They'd rather count tweets. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Once again proving they are not the media, but the propaganda arm of the DNC>
goodolboy's Avatar
With all the shit going on the MSM's main story today is Melania's shoes she is wearing in TX.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
nit picking... that's all the media have left.
IMO any day that the Lying lame stream media isn't critiquing any of the Trumps is a day they feel they didn't do their job..
I B Hankering's Avatar

Wasserman Schultz IT Aide Planted Computer to Be Found, Police Report Suggests

Wasserman Schultz had fought to stop police from looking at the laptop’s hard drive. For more than two months, police had told the Florida Democrat they suspected Awan of cybersecurity breaches, including what she called “data transfer violations.”

But Wasserman Schultz maintained that she thought police were picking on Awan, in part because he is Muslim, and wanted to protect his “due process.”

She knew, however, how serious cyberbreaches can be because she was head of the Democratic Party when its emails were hacked and released last year, leading to her resignation in July 2016 just before the Democratic National Convention, where delegates nominated Hillary Clinton for president.

Awan had access to emails and electronic files of dozens of House Democrats. Their refusal to criticize him has raised questions about whether members may be afraid he could release their emails if they assist in his prosecution and whether some could be implicated in a kickback scheme involving disappearing equipment and ghost employees.

(The Daily Signal)