I think that everyone agrees that reducing spending and applying money toward the debt (a.k.a. payin bills for poor folks) is the key to reducing debt, but no one can agree upon how to reduce the debt. I am of the opinion that 'Charity begins at home". Now, what's amazing to me is the fact that Conservatives, Fiscally and otherwise, and Republicans, the "Proud to be American" crowd would propose cutting domestic social programs rather than the billions or even trillions of dollars in foreign aid. I have conservative views when it comes to money and lives: American First. How many American lives should be lost to/for Iraqi/Afghan/ Any-damned-body except American Freedom: 0.0000. How many American Tax dollars should be sent overseas: 0.0000. Check the numbers. Apply foreign aid to the deficit, and watch the deficit go away.
We should fix our own house before building houses for other people. But the problem here is that, some people, GOP, only want "certain" houses - I mean mansions - fixed. If you're only as strong as your weakest link, pull out the super-glue and get to fixin' shit. Better yet, rebuild the base, everyone not just the people who vote for you ala Boss Tweed and Mr. Pendergast, to be stronger than it was before. Trickle Down Economics doesn't work, so try Trickle Up. When people see that the government cares about their well-being, they support the government whole heartedly. Mercenaries fight for money while citizens fight for their countries out of a sense of duty and commonality. And for the people who support giving the rich welfare while doing all that you can to take it from the poor, the people who need it the most, think of the last time that you saw a Rockerfeller, a Buffet, a Gates, and yes, a Trump on a battlefield- i don't give a damn how many military academies that he attended. The Civil War, especially in the South, was called a "Rich Man's War, and a Poor Man's Fight". SO, if the poor men have to do the fighting, i'd suggest taking VERY good care of them - the ones that are currently soldiers and the mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers of those who may be called upon in the future. Contrary to poplular belief, patriotism is not always an inbred, automatic response to simply being a "native born" citizen. Patriotism is cultivated from birth by the proper treatment of the citizenry. Were Iraqis under Saddam patriotic, I don't think so. But, being patriotic and poor, is pointless. I can't afford to "buy American" so i buy shit that's made in China. That helps no one except the Walton Family(Walmart) - oh, and China. Somehow greed, racism, and classism has clouded the eyes of the most patriotic of us. I'm a patriot. Help Americans First.