Maybe Colin Kapernick Has More Than A Legit Point ;-)

USAsoldier's Avatar
He should get the fuck out of America!! Originally Posted by shakespear
Why? He's an American. He has the right to free speech. Why do you hate 'Murica so much?

For the record- What Kap is doing is not disrespectful to the flag and/or soldiers- past, present or future. Soldiers now a days don't fight for freedom. Perhaps WW2 was the last true war where American soldiers trully died fighting for freedom.
We soldiers now fight on the behalf of wealthy corporations, right Halliburton (CEO VP Cheney).
So I'm a corporate soldier. #TrueStory
pyramider's Avatar

Standing up for one's beilefs & 1ST Amendment rights makes him a true 'Murican patriot. I salute him for that. Most people don't have the stones to do that. Originally Posted by USAsoldier
Then you should really investigate what he has done, said, and why, before you continue clapping. Also, look at what his SO put on instagram.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
For you pricks who think Colin is unpatriotic and should get out of America let me ask a simple question. Do the Charleston supremacists have the right to walk and carry their Confedrate flag and protest in favor of the Confederacy? If you're either silent OR you agree with their right to use their flag and hate speech and yet you dissgree with Colin and think he's unpatriotic then you are simply A HYPOCRITE FUCKING IDIOT. Clueless fucking morons
Richard Fitzwell's Avatar
My question is 'does Kaepernick have any validity in his reasons for the protest?'
pyramider's Avatar
For you pricks who think Colin is unpatriotic and should get out of America let me ask a simple question. Do the Charleston supremacists have the right to walk and carry their Confedrate flag and protest in favor of the Confederacy? If you're either silent OR you agree with their right to use their flag and hate speech and yet you dissgree with Colin and think he's unpatriotic then you are simply A HYPOCRITE FUCKING IDIOT. Clueless fucking morons Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

You are over simplifying the dumbass' situation. He has freedom of speech protection; however, that does not mean he has protection for what he says.
pyramider's Avatar
My question is 'does Kaepernick have any validity in his reasons for the protest?' Originally Posted by Richard Fitzwell

Not personally, Kaepernick grow up in a middle class household.
bigwill832's Avatar
His problem is he was doing it at work. Let's not forget he is an employee of the team and his job is to represent the team, not his own interests.
daarakan's Avatar

Standing up for one's beilefs & 1ST Amendment rights makes him a true 'Murican patriot. I salute him for that. Most people don't have the stones to do that. Originally Posted by USAsoldier
By your logic the Charlottesville white supremacist guys are patriots, because they are exercising their first amendment rights and standing up for their beliefs. And most people don't have to the stones to march in far right rallies, even those who somewhat agree with them.

I am searching for all the posts, from people saying Colin should be back in the NFL, also saying the Charlottesville people that lost their jobs after being exposed on that yes you are a racist twitter thing should be reemployed. Or all the letters to the editor saying they are being blackballed for their beliefs. The marchers weren't doing anything more or less, the only difference is you support Colin's position and find the unite the right people's position repugnant.

And even though the first amendment is not applicable here, as neither Colin nor the Charlottesville peeps are being thrown in jail for expressing an opinion, the first amendment isn't a shield from shit you don't like and bucket for shit you do like.
dearhunter's Avatar
Just a matter of time until he is broke too.
USAsoldier's Avatar
By your logic the Charlottesville white supremacist guys are patriots, because they are exercising their first amendment rights and standing up for their beliefs. And most people don't have to the stones to march in far right rallies, even those who somewhat agree with them.

I am searching for all the posts, from people saying Colin should be back in the NFL, also saying the Charlottesville people that lost their jobs after being exposed on that yes you are a racist twitter thing should be reemployed. Or all the letters to the editor saying they are being blackballed for their beliefs. The marchers weren't doing anything more or less, the only difference is you support Colin's position and find the unite the right people's position repugnant.

And even though the first amendment is not applicable here, as neither Colin nor the Charlottesville peeps are being thrown in jail for expressing an opinion, the first amendment isn't a shield from shit you don't like and bucket for shit you do like. Originally Posted by daarakan
Colin Kap is a peaceful protester.

The Charlottesville Alt Right white supremacist group are domestic terrorists. They had all kinds of weapons during the march- guns, rifles, clubs, bats, chains, knives.. so on. Oh and tiki torches.
The Alt Right a$$holes are on film saying they were looking for violence and blood. One of them used his car as a weapon creating a massive casualty scene with one death.
That's not exercising one's right's, thats domestic terrorism.
....Do the Charleston supremacists have the right to walk and carry their Confedrate flag and protest in favor of the Confederacy?
.... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

And for that dumb ass, there's no "Freedom of Speech" when you're at work. Ask the coaches fired for "praying."
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Why? He's an American. He has the right to free speech. Why do you hate 'Murica so much?

For the record- What Kap is doing is not disrespectful to the flag and/or soldiers- past, present or future. Soldiers now a days don't fight for freedom. Perhaps WW2 was the last true war where American soldiers trully died fighting for freedom.
We soldiers now fight on the behalf of wealthy corporations, right Halliburton (CEO VP Cheney).
So I'm a corporate soldier. #TrueStory
Originally Posted by USAsoldier
Dude...let me take a bow before you. You kicking ass in this thread. I couldnt have expressed this better.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

And for that dumb ass, there's no "Freedom of Speech" when you're at work. Ask the coaches fired for "praying." Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
again if you support the supremacists (which is obvious with you) you should have no issues with Kap....and last I checked this NFL " work" that you speak of is governed by a different set of work rules. All of you are nothing but manchurian type puppets. I. will be honest. I'm not patriotic at all unless I'm watching Olympic games due to the competiveness. I will pledge allegiance to no country...not ever. This country is the most hypocritcal ever and all I want to do is get all I can out of it....and no I'm not rascist at all but this fucking country can go straight to hell. Everything about America is wrong and its just a matter of time before it caves in on itself.
Richard Fitzwell's Avatar
Not personally, Kaepernick grow up in a middle class household. Originally Posted by pyramider
So because he was not directly involved with the injustices that he is protesting his protest is not valid? That is the same logic that is causing hime to protest. Black people are being unfairly targeted and killed by the cops, but since it is not happening at the same rate for white people they don't see the need for uproar. Its called EMPATHY...if the roles were reversed I'm sure white people would be just as angry and unapologetic about their treatment.

Equality is not hateful nor negative....

Kaepernick acknowledged that he has not been directly effected by the injustices that he is protesting...BTW

By your logic the Charlottesville white supremacist guys are patriots, because they are exercising their first amendment rights and standing up for their beliefs. And most people don't have to the stones to march in far right rallies, even those who somewhat agree with them.

I am searching for all the posts, from people saying Colin should be back in the NFL, also saying the Charlottesville people that lost their jobs after being exposed on that yes you are a racist twitter thing should be reemployed. Or all the letters to the editor saying they are being blackballed for their beliefs. The marchers weren't doing anything more or less, the only difference is you support Colin's position and find the unite the right people's position repugnant.

And even though the first amendment is not applicable here, as neither Colin nor the Charlottesville peeps are being thrown in jail for expressing an opinion, the first amendment isn't a shield from shit you don't like and bucket for shit you do like. Originally Posted by daarakan

The Charlottesville people, even though their message was hateful, were not a problem until the fellow intentionally drove the charger into the crowd. At that point their rally became moot. Their is no stretch of the imagination that Kaepernick and the Charlottesville people can be lumped in the same category.

Kaepernick: Hey minorities and being killed by police and the officers are getting off.

Charlottesville Right: We want our land back.
pyramider's Avatar
I suggest you read Kaepernick's statements on this, be sure to go back a couple of years. And be sure to check out his SO's instagram.