Clear the air

+1. Lily is right on this one.

This is supposed to be a fun place, an escape...Not a big bunch of chaos.

Let's try to concentrate on building the camaraderie that keeps us all safe, rather than petty bullshit that tears us apart. When you guys act like this, it divides us & makes LE's job much easier.

My message was not only intended for you, BabyD...but the other providers involved in the BS, as well. Check yourself, ladies. Regain and retain a sense of priorities. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll

Yes, it's supposed to be a fun place. But it's also supposed to be a place of enlightenment and communication. If someone needs to get something off their chest, I think they should be able to do so. If you don't like it, then don't read it or move onto the fun posts. I believe in an open society where all opinions/views should have free reign.

Telling someone they shouldn't be stressing their opinion is just plain against what Eccie is supposed to be about, also. (And fun too) But life ain't all about fun.
Yes, it's supposed to be a fun place. But it's also supposed to be a place of enlightenment and communication. If someone needs to get something off their chest, I think they should be able to do so. If you don't like it, then don't read it or move onto the fun posts. I believe in an open society where all opinions/views should have free reign.

Telling someone they shouldn't be stressing their opinion is just plain against what Eccie is supposed to be about, also. (And fun too) But life ain't all about fun. Originally Posted by incognito isis

i hope to argue without arguing with you that very point..

this board is about the exchange of info in regards to the hobby..their are places on this board for "off the cuff" discussions.. discussions not related to the hobby..but the label especially for this coed section does say "hobby related..

last time i checked.. escorts pissed off at each other and racing to see who can make who look worse first is not hobby related only in the aspect of clearly defining to guys who they will spend money with and who isn't off their fucking rocker..

if guys wanted to hear women bitch..they would go home to their wives and/or get married

if guys wanted to then try to set up appts with said bitching women they would simply go buy said wife diamond ring and listen to her and hope the sex is good that night..because thats all that is happening here

so no.. this board..specifically this forum is NOT for bitching about who said what, its not for GETTING STUFF OFF YOUR PERSONAL LIFE'S CHEST.. its about hobby related discussion

whatever happened to trying not to look like a crazy person in order to attract customers?
Haha, I like that too Originally Posted by Lily Blair
glad i could atleast make a few laugh..but doesn't it baffle ya'll for real?
Yes, it's supposed to be a fun place. But it's also supposed to be a place of enlightenment and communication. If someone needs to get something off their chest, I think they should be able to do so. If you don't like it, then don't read it or move onto the fun posts. I believe in an open society where all opinions/views should have free reign.

Telling someone they shouldn't be stressing their opinion is just plain against what Eccie is supposed to be about, also. (And fun too) But life ain't all about fun. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Let me exemplify my point a little more clearly...

Eccie in general, and Co-Ed Discussions in particular, is about the pursuit of hobby-related fun and any and all information that assists us in seeking it. I fail to see how constant attacks, beratement and playing games with references benefits anyone here.

I for one, am really sick and tired of listening to the garbage. The points have been made by both sides, and it's time to grow up now.

I would never try to stop anyone from expressing their viewpoint... But eventually the poor dead horse needs a proper burial.

...whatever happened to trying not to look like a crazy person in order to attract customers? Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
Why is it...the longer I'm here, the more I agree with DeAnna? I might steal that and make it my signature line.
Let me exemplify my point a little more clearly...

Eccie in general, and Co-Ed Discussions in particular, is about the pursuit of hobby-related fun and any and all information that assists us in pursuing it. I fail to see how constant attacks, beratement and playing games with references benefits anyone here.

I for one, am really sick and tired of listening to the garbage. The points have been made by both sides, and it's time to grow up now.

I would never try to stop anyone from expressing their viewpoint... But eventually the poor dead horse needs a proper burial.

Why is it...the longer I'm here, the more I agree with DeAnna? I might steal that and make it my signature line. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll

ya its scary..the longer i have been here the more i agree with myself as well

im like medicine that don't taste good.. you hate to have to do it..but eventually the more you take it..the more it starts to atleast be tolerable lmao..

ya'll be safe..and to the girls that "get it".. kudos.. you will always find yourself "in the money" for as long as you wanna be in the money.. you will always find yourself to be "drama free" and not caught up in a lifestyle that some try to make this.. you get it..and you deserve to 'get it" $$$
Sonoman's Avatar
Lily, it's not the guys causing the drama.

Well whatever it's about, could you guys please stop talking about it on the forum and keep it to yourselves? Originally Posted by Lily Blair
Sorry, I think your wrong and let me explain what I meant to you a little more clearly for you to understand. If someone has been shed in a dim light, I say let them get whatever they need off their chest. Eccie is about fun, but it's about other things as well. I feel people should have the right to bitch and moan if they want..And everyone here does bitch and moan about one thing or the other. Who are you to say what someone else can say or not say? If you don't like it, simply do not read it. Move on to greener,funner pastures.

And everyone here bitches and moans about all kinds of stuff. The guys bitch and moan. The girls bitch and moan. Both hobby related and non hobby related. If the OP wants to keep beating a dead horse, let her have her say. It's not bothering me, and I don't see how it's affecting you.

So if you are sick and tired of reading it, well I don't think anyone is forcing you to read this, are they? Just read something else.

DeAnna, if Eccie is stricly a hobby related board, then why were tons of threads started about the death of Osama Bin Laden? What does the death of Osama have to do with hobbying?? Eccie is obviously about non hobby related subject matters also, from what I can gather.

My point is not about the content of the subject matter, but the fact the OP has the right to voice her opinion if she feels necessary. You can argue that her opinions are pointless, trashy, whatever, but thats not the point I'm trying to make. My point is, she has a right to voice her opinions, as long as they are within the Eccie rules and regulations.

You say: "I would never try to stop someone from expressing their viewpoint... But eventually the poor dead horse needs a proper burial"

Ok but, you are trying to stop someone from expressing their view points. If the horse is dead, that is mearly your opinion, not a fact. So let people express themselves, because that is the beauty of Eccie, not just fun fun fun.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Yes, it's supposed to be a fun place. But it's also supposed to be a place of enlightenment and communication. If someone needs to get something off their chest, I think they should be able to do so. If you don't like it, then don't read it or move onto the fun posts. I believe in an open society where all opinions/views should have free reign.

Telling someone they shouldn't be stressing their opinion is just plain against what Eccie is supposed to be about, also. (And fun too) But life ain't all about fun. Originally Posted by incognito isis

I agree, I didnt start this to start MORE drama just to clear MY name. All you ladies have been seen in and out of EVERY drama thead on EC. How about you all let it go, and stop reading it if it bothers you! Im not going to let someone bad mouth me and lie on me. So whatever! All the other girls post threads about rumours, bad reveiws, etc. So I have the same right, right?
Enough crap.

Random closed and removed the last piss fight thread due to the abusive BS on there...

Let me add my two cents worth from a client standpoint:

Everyone in their right mind knows the perils of hobbying in AR. When a client seeks a companion, he wants no drama, no questions, no dangers. I wager that potential clients have stricken several names off their "To See" list in the past week. I know that I sure as hell have.

With that said, I am closing THIS thread. It serves no purpose to the community. If anyone starts another of these rants, Random and I will be issuing infractions without further warnings.

THIS battle stops here. Take it somewhere else. If it happens again on this board, there are going to be some folks gone.
