Paris: Travel Suggestions

Here's a slightly different, and I daresay not unsuitable for this forum, way to explore Paris:


Durn! Somebody beat me to it by seconds!
Hello Miss Lauren

I'm really not too much into food... But for the experience. You may like

Afterward, if inclined to do so- your very sexy suite awaits you. A highly sensual and rather seductive place to roll around, become heated and most happily disheveled!
(even post Philippe Starck- although I preferred the way it was before his artistic ways made those alterations.)

It's my second favorite place to be in residence while in Paris. I'm certain that you have been there. Here is the link, anyway...

If your mind can take a break and become easily entertained, as I so often do, than perhaps an afternoon stroll over to the Four Seasons George V on a Dimanche for tea. A good and harmless game of "Spot The Americans" can be quite funny!
(Confession... yes, my girlfriend and I did do this one Sunday afternoon!) Okay, simple minded- but we could not stop laughing!
Living the Life, Miss Lauren! Keep up the good work.
You deserve it all!!
And thank you for sharing your experiences.
Yes. Thank you for the suggestions. Will be in Paris next week.