BTW: You might want to examine the "number crunching For instance the current proposal shifts the responsibility of overseeing "coverage" to the States. Those seeking coverage through the "Exchange" MAY lose their coverage FROM THE EXCHANGE, but they will be able to pick up coverage from their respective States...and funding will come from the Federal government to the states to determine what coverages they want.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Under current ACA rules a family of 4 that makes < $24,000 is eligible for Expanded Medicaid Coverage in one of the 31 states that accepted the deal. The Federal Government picked up 100% of the cost the first three years. After the first three years the Federal Government picks up 90% of the cost and the state picks up 10% of the cost.
With Graham-Cassidy the Obamacare subsidies for policies sold on the government exchanges goes away. The funds for the Expanded Medicaid coverage (the 90%) goes away and will be replaced by a blocked grant ( a set amount of money not based on how many people are eligible). This block grant will be less than the 90% that the government was picking up under the ACA. Therefore, less people will be INSURED if the Graham-Cassidy were to pass.
There is a reason why you do not post a link to back up your bullshit, you can't find one.
From the link:
Under the Affordable Care Act, states have the opportunity to expand Medicaid coverage to provide millions of Americans access to affordable healthcare. In return, states receive 100 percent of federal funding to cover those costs for the first three years and no less than 90 percent federal support for those costs in the years following.