...HOBBY prior to internet...

spear89's Avatar
pretty much in any new city, the cab drivers could give you info, you might have to ask more than one, of course this was when most cab drivers spoke english
^^^ tff and yeah I've had uber drivers offer up the stable
Slitlikr's Avatar
Chicken Ranch
Boys Town
DaChef's Avatar
Quest magazine Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
🤔 I wonder who was on Quest all the time?
Good old days.
Was better back then.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
The oldest known profession was alive and well before the internet. There was a lot of reliance on print ads, just like any other business would have advertised before the internet. However, ladies used alternative newspapers as mainstream advertising was usually not an option.

What has changed tremendously since the internet, though, is that scams and rip offs are not as prevalent and don't usually last long like they used to. And it is not as dangerous as it used to be. The sharing of information has helped a lot.
First you'd go climb a mountain. Then start a fire, which is not as easy as they make it look in movies. Once you had that going and smoking, you'd take your blanket . . .

Fuck! You'd realize that you had forgotten your blanket. So, back down the mountain, find the old, beat up hobby blanket (don't want to use your real blanket) and trudge back up the mountain. By which point, the fire had gone out. Start the fire again.

Send out the appropriate smoke code for pussy, which you hope you got correct. Back down the mountain and wait. NC/NS were rampant, mostly because there were no phones. But also because no one could figure out where anyone lived. And more than likely, you'd be out cold as soon as you got home because of all the walking up a mountain, etc.

It's much better now. Originally Posted by cabletex7
This is pretty funny! Damn mountains get ya everytime! LOL
TryWeakly's Avatar
Careful folks... remember this (OP) is the mandle with "the list" .....
Betsy's off 59N and Calvacade back in the day. Ice Cream Castle vip room off yet 45 & Crosstimbers.
nobody mentioned cantinas?
  • pxmcc
  • 10-05-2017, 12:52 AM
Hobby prior to internet? Say it aint so...
HoustonDan's Avatar
My mentor who introduced me to the hobby, an older guy who is retired now, would tell me stories.

His approach was to keep several escort agencies information in his blackbook when he traveled to various cities. He said that was the best way to secure a provider. You had some kind of screening, and never really knew who you were going to see (unless you had a regular at the service.)

There was also the free newspaper ads, massage joints, and ladies you'd meet at a hotel bar. People made it work.

He saw what was coming with the internet and would just go on about how amazing it is going to be (or is now.) He had some stories too...lol great guy.
Hotel bars were, and still are pretty popular. Especially if you get in good with a doorman. Originally Posted by tiatate
The bartender is your best bet in a hotel. They can tell you who's a big spender, who's a regular and who's a great (or not so great) tipper.

Just tip them well.
FLReWrite's Avatar
News paper sports page used to have classified ads for escorts and studios. Originally Posted by peabody
Yes, this.

Our local paper put them in the regular classifieds. When I first started, they were in PERSONAL SERVICES at the very top of the classifieds and some of the ads were pretty racy. Soon, the personal services section was moved to the end of the classifieds and eventually removed altogether.

Often, multiple girls would work from one location but they would advertise separately. You would call (this was before caller ID) and find the new girl you were calling actually worked at the location of the last one you saw. Fun times.
sharkman29's Avatar
Miles Café. Off of Jensen Drive. This was back in the 60's. 5 and 2. Five for the girl and 2 for the room.
kerwil62's Avatar
Bessie's off 59N and Collingsworth back in the day. Ice Cream Castle vip room off yet 45 & Crosstimbers. Originally Posted by suckaforlove
