I just wonder if WC is getting an adequate cut for all his shameless "slut" promoting. I, for one, find it quite distasteful. Also, his overuse of the word slut. Sluts get laid and whores get paid, I personally don't know many ladies around here into just giving it away. If they are it is to their significant other and not guys to whom theses threAds are intended for, and even then the word slut does not apply. It's also a little too much of a coincidence how creepily similar his style of posting is to a certain provider well known for her slutty threAds. The spamming is getting old and starting to sound like a broken record. Just my two cents, I am fed up with logging on to find a new threAd every other day. Every once in a while, we get it... But geez, enough is enough.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Shit, I'm considering putting WC on payroll for promo...this is incredible!
He has a lengthy promotional tenure...but no freebies, I'll gladly pay. No pussy for currency in exchange for promo services.