Lol, that shit old. And is preferring to hire white people racist? Because according to the EEOC it is. But it’s just preference right? Preference based on race, & race alone, is, by definition, racist. Doesn’t mean you’re a bad person though. You have every right to be racist, except in hiring practices, where without the EEOC, no blacks would be hired because of “preference”. Originally Posted by Bruce FassbenderBruce I love it man, schooled these students in here lol. I once told a white guy that I was a black supremacist, he laugh and said what’s that, I said the exact same thing as a white supremacist. He said so you think you are better than white ppl, and I said sure why not. I have the right to think or believe whatever the fuck I want too, just like the whites have the same right to think or believe whatever they want too, and they do.
I said to him, no God or any higher courts came down and said to all the white supremacsits groups or white ppl, I bless you with this oil and therefore making you better and above all races. They just got together and did all that shit themselves, so I did the exact same thing. Once the guy saw I was serious, he realized hey this is true, anyone can just say they are better or above anyone without any proof of it. Do I really believe I’m superior to whites, No I don’t, but I was just making a, point to him and it work. He was able to see how like Bruce said here, you, me, anybody has the right to be racist. Bruce or I don’t have to like anybody of any race if we don’t want too. We all are prejudice to some degree, and if you say you not, then I can put you through some scenarios and show you that you are buddy or mam lol.