In the end, the Democrats/Socialist/Progressive/Liberal antagonist will be hurt more by this entire charade than their intended victim.Unless any of those libtards are getting indicted as well, i don't see HOW they are getting hurt by this??
Ain't Karma a bitch. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's come to light in recent months that Manafort was working with Podesta Group. The Podesta Group is tied at the neck with hildebeest. It will be a travesty of justice if Mueller takes down Manafort and leaves the Podestas free and clear.And that is why i don't think any of htose liberals will be touched.. THEY ARE off limits to Mueller..
And that is why i don't think any of htose liberals will be touched.. THEY ARE off limits to Mueller.. Originally Posted by garhkalThe Muel is neck deep on thin ice...
NSA Warrantless Surveillance (2001-2013): illegal collection of domestic phone records and internet communications that were sent or received by US citizens, in violation of Fourth Amendment protections against warrantless search and seizure, followed by potential perjury committed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who denied the practices under oath; the 2013 Snowden revelations proved that the 2004 story about Comey and Mueller stopping illegal surveillance practices meant absolutely nothing in reality
Walter Reed Neglect Scandal (2007): troops recovering from severe war-related injuries were subjected to squalid living conditions and grotesquely substandard care due to a privatization agreement that resulted in drastic staffing cuts, after which patients were told to “keep quiet” and whistleblowers suffered retaliation from higher-ups
IRS Targeting (2010-2013): the IRS intentionally selected and then delayed or denied tax-exempt 501(c)(3) applications from conservative groups to prevent them from participating in the 2012 election, followed by IRS agent Lois Lerner invoking her Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination
Fast and Furious (2010): this ATF program, which seems to have served no rational purpose, allowed over 2,000 guns to be purchased illegally inside the United States and then “walked” into Mexico for use by criminals, one of which was later used in the 2010 murder of Border Agent Brian Terry by a member of a Mexican cartel
Russian Uranium Deal (2009-2013): Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved a deal allowing a Russian company to control 20% of the uranium mining production capacity inside the United States, which was followed by millions of dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation from people associated with the transaction
Clinton Private Email Server (2009-2013): during her entire tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton dodged Freedom of Information Act requirements by using a private email server to conduct official government business, as well as sent and received classified information that was Top Secret over an unsecured system—an “extremely reckless” (and obviously illegal) act
Unless any of those libtards are getting indicted as well, i don't see HOW they are getting hurt by this??If no Democrats are indicted, then President Trump should pardon anybody else who is.
And that is why i don't think any of htose liberals will be touched.. THEY ARE off limits to Mueller.. Originally Posted by garhkal
If no Democrats are indicted, then President Trump should pardon anybody else who is.Agree. And indict whoever leaked the indictments.
Do it in a national press conference, giving his reasons for doing so.
And then fire Mueller and emmediatly call for a special council to investigate him and his selling out to the DNC and The Clinton's. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And then fire Mueller and emmediatly call for a special council to investigate him and his selling out to the DNC and The Clinton's. Originally Posted by Jackie SHe certainly needs to get Mueller investigated.. SINCE HE was in the FBI during what, 5 big scandals and did not do a damn thing to investigate/prosecute any of them?
Flynn already said he had some shit to say. I hope its him. That guy will flap his gums as we have already seen. Trump has been holding his twitter fingers all weekend on it. Maybe it wasn't a witch hunt after all. Originally Posted by TreyIf they had something on Trump, Obummer Hillary and the DNC would have already used it before the election. If they had dirt Hillery would not have needed to pay so much for the fake Dossier to be made.