Provider Ghosts

I was talking about the clip.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
My bad then.
normalguy21's Avatar
At 3:13 upper right corner the out line of the shape of the form of the foliage [leaves] takes on the shape of a persons head with open mouth with what going into it ?

totaly unrelated to the story of what seems to be 2 black youths high on ditch weed and a goodwill 5 dollar cam corder is the fact that the day the video was took was the WHITE sale at the local J.C pennys and white sheets were on sale for 12.99 not 18.99 which makes up for black friday tv,s being 300 $ on sale where there really still 1200 for white people thus equaling things out in yo nigga check this crazy white bitch out universe .

Crazy Crackers day was not attended by the 2 high youths this year because Daddys babys momas cuz friends was at sisters cuz babys daddys sisters house so they didnt get the heads up bro !!

Are they could of got cheap sheets 2 !
Another idea is you could go to your ideal location, browse the ADS the ACTIVE providers have posted and choose your prey from there...

BTW the "icon" you speak of already exists... the majority of inactive provider accounts say "awaiting age verification" on them. ;-) Originally Posted by strawberry skye

I also think it will be beneficial if a lot of the actual "ghost" on here mainly the ones that have an account less than a year old that go like, "I have been hobbying many years but took a break.." be required to state the previous handle they had before
normalguy21's Avatar
I also think it will be beneficial if a lot of the actual "ghost" on here mainly the ones that have an account less than a year old that go like, "I have been hobbying many years but took a break.." be required to state the previous handle they had before Originally Posted by Kimber Rose
Do you mean if you were known under another screen name on a acount and you abandoned that acount and created a completly new acount that the old acount and the new acount should be linked ?
Do you mean if you were known under another screen name on a acount and you abandoned that acount and created a completly new acount that the old acount and the new acount should be linked ? Originally Posted by slickahhughs
That's exactly what I mean
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-11-2017, 01:27 PM
That will never happen.

There are those who guest an account and come back under a new account because of privacy/security issues. In such instances, we would never want to link the two. It would out them. If one were to do that they would wind up taking a vacation.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Ok, a Q:
(and ignoring Mokoa's security related comment, which is valid)

Does finding the identical twin sister of a retired provider count as finding a ghost?
Or, does it count as being tag-teamed by twins who alternate staying in the bathroom?
Ok, a Q:
(and ignoring Mokoa's security related comment, which is valid)

Does finding the identical twin sister of a retired provider count as finding a ghost?
Or, does it count as being tag-teamed by twins who alternate staying in the bathroom? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
It could definitely mean as both but it doesn't exception gender is all I am saying. I have had more than my share of male stalkers/fake accounts and I think a lot of ladies on here have endured similar experiences.
normalguy21's Avatar
Ok, a Q:
(and ignoring Mokoa's security related comment, which is valid)

Does finding the identical twin sister of a retired provider count as finding a ghost?
Or, does it count as being tag-teamed by twins who alternate staying in the bathroom? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
counts as ghost

Score 15 points .Well done .For 10 bonus points take to get small tattoo unique
to the moment .

i have been with sisters [not at the same time] there mother and i must say non of them were even remotely similar in the sack .The oldest sister at 27 was winner .

Twins ?

My num 2 all time fave has 3 sisters and we know almost everything about each other it even went civie at one point then not but she never and i mean NEVER even let me see a picture of them.
I saw a group photo once she had as her desktop background on a laptop and dam!!! if she is not a twin for real !
She slammed the laptop shut soon as it booted and i saw it .
She says that i will never find out anything about her older sisters and if i ask BYE BYE .

Thing is the tattos i have a more than deep suspision they have pinch hitted for each other before ...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
It could definitely mean as both but it doesn't exception gender is all I am saying. I have had more than my share of male stalkers/fake accounts and I think a lot of ladies on here have endured similar experiences. Originally Posted by Kimber Rose
Yes Kimber, security is all important, on both sides of the hobby.
Some of the guys do understand that the ladies put up with a lot of bs.
Yes Kimber, security is all important, on both sides of the hobby.
Some of the guys do understand that the ladies put up with a lot of bs. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

Yes! I just think it needs to be a lot harder for trolls to troll! Male or female. I'm not talking about the bored people at home lurking. I'm talking about people with serious issues out for destruction.

I do understand the security of others having to hide their identity but I also understand that it's easy for someone to do something stupid/dangerous and request a new account because "someone is threatening to out them" but a lot of times that person just wants to do dirt and go ghost so that they can make a new account and do it all over again.
Could it be a provider?