Bin Ladin loved his porn.. lmfao.. read this news clip

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binone? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yes, rich men, poor men, sinners, and saints, all have one thing in common......

[[There go the street lights bringin on the night
Here come the men faces hidden from the light
All through the shadows they come and they go
With only one thing in common
They got the fire down below]]


Originally Posted by JohnMacnab
I luv that song!! Love Bob Seger too!
He was. under that other handle.. it was banned though. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Clearly, this would make him a hypocrite of epic proportions. But it's just as likely that there was no porn, and this is just a propaganda campaign to attempt to instill some doubt, as well as a sense of betrayal, in his followers. Originally Posted by Doove
Clearly if the Bush Administration had said so, that would be the case. But this is the sainted Obama. He wouldn't do something like that. My God man, he's a liberal.
my friends discuss at the moment the legalities of kidnapping and/or shooting OSama bin laden in a foreign country. I am not sure what to think. Its hairsplitting.
my friends discuss at the moment the legalities of kidnapping and/or shooting OSama bin laden in a foreign country. I am not sure what to think. Its hairsplitting. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Nina, I do understand where you are coming from on this, but that man had people kill 3000 of our people here in America. Not to mention how many others he had killed in the name of his fanatical religion.
well, like all religious extremists. a bunch of hypocrites. I myself dated a mormon (A TBM) for a few months til i discovered he was screwing a bunch of couchsurfer women on his way thru europe, of course with the knowledge that no one should ever discover that back in Utah. (lol) Originally Posted by ninasastri
Ohhhhhhh....more from our very own expert! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
Nina, I do understand where you are coming from on this, but that man had people kill 3000 of our people here in America. Not to mention how many others he had killed in the name of his fanatical religion. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
oh please, i am happy he is dead. I got bashed by my friends for supporting unorthodox methods. so don`t bash me here :-). I just like to consider different opinions, that is all, And the legalities of this measurements are interesting.

That is all i am saying. I am the one who supports him getting kidnapped and shot right in the head any time, because i consider trials of this kind anyway a farce as we have seen with saddam hussein. I mean its all a big fat show for what exactly?

I also supported the mossad kidnapping ex-nazis out of argentina where they had stayed with the help of Odessa. I think wrong is wrong and i could give a rats ass if osama gets a trial or is dead.
What is interesting is the mere legal aspect of what the SEALs did. That was in interesting part in discussion. Intellectually speaking. But i heard the legal aspects were covered. also with pakistan. so no prob here.

ps: the christians were also once a fanatic religion. They did destroy a lot of cultures. I think all religion is evil. But i do not think that the religious aspect mattered to these people in power. Religion is opium for the basic folk. But i think Osama was not religious i think he was power obsessed.
Ohhhhhhh....more from our very own expert! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Originally Posted by Marshall
yes mormons tend to believe God does not have access to the internet and does not see what happens outside Utah :-) and your comments are still annoying. can you do something else than write stupid comments when other people discuss real issues here?

You could proof to me that religious extremists are not just a bunch of hypocrites, but since you lack the intellectual capacities to do so you can only render into mobbing and bashing. How boring, you are so predictable.
yes mormons tend to believe God does not have access to the internet and does not see what happens outside Utah :-) and your comments are still annoying. can you do something else than write stupid comments when other people discuss real issues here?

You could proof to me that religious extremists are not just a bunch of hypocrites, but since you lack the intellectual capacities to do so you can only render into mobbing and bashing. How boring, you are so predictable. Originally Posted by ninasastri

To me, you sound like a Marxist/Leninist/ hold a lot of very extreme never came out and admitted to these you deny it?
To me, you sound like a Marxist/Leninist/ hold a lot of very extreme never came out and admitted to these you deny it? Originally Posted by Marshall
you mean because i don`t like religious fanatics and think mormons are hyporcrites? and how can anyone with a brain put stalinism and marxism in ONE LINE :-))) (lolololololol)

and i think your beliefs are far more extreme (and old fashioned and outdated). and "extreme opinions" are a matter of reference frame. From which reference frame are you judging my opinions? Because for my reference frames (see below) your opinion is VERY EXTREME. so instead of making me "come out" (hello? I am out? ) you should admit your belief-systems and then say what is extreme about mine? So its you that has the coming out to do. Because unlike you i explain myself constantly. You don`t.

you bash people for no reason, copy paste fascist and racist and homophobe articles and - sorry to say - for me you are too disturbingly right wing to still consider it being of good taste. Do you admit that? Because i admit that for a right wing fascist my opinions might be extreme, but for anyone who has his act together yours might be overly outrageous.

Wanna start a poll about which of our opinion gathers more approval? Talking about extremes from your standing on this board is - well - disturblingly lacking reality.

why, marshall oh why o why do i sound like that? explain instead of throwing big labels around. I don`t know what a "Leninist" or a "stalinist" thinks. I can relate to marxism for some parts of it.
If you want to put me into labels, try Sexpositivist and polyamorist and Queertheorist. and Capitalist. I am a big capitalist otherwise i would not be here, would i?

besides, when will it get into your small conservative little dick-head that labeling people is not a form of discussion? and what is the problem when people sound like marxists?

YOu are not intellectual enough to grab my roots of thoughts. they vary. I have tea party friends as well, darling.
I consider myself "intellectually flexible". I think you are a "rigid tight ass" when it comes to intellectualism?

ps: the christians were also once a fanatic religion. They did destroy a lot of cultures. I think all religion is evil. But i do not think that the religious aspect mattered to these people in power. Religion is opium for the basic folk. But i think Osama was not religious i think he was power obsessed. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Yep, you will get no argument with me on that.
you mean because i don`t like more like irrationally hatereligious fanatics and think mormons are hyporcrites?you are a fanatic and how can anyone with a brain put stalinism and marxism in ONE LINE :-))) they are both statism(lolololololol)

and i think your beliefs are far more extremeand tested true and in conformity with human nature (and old fashioned and outdatedonly if human nature has changed over the past 300 years or so). and "extreme opinions" are a matter of reference opinions are more common than other opinions From which reference frame are you judging my opinions?reality Because for my reference frames (see below) your opinion is VERY EXTREME.yes, because YOU are the extremist so instead of making me "come out" (hello? I am out? ) you should admit your belief-systems and then say what is extreme about mine?people here know I'm a conservative So its you that has the coming out to do. Because unlike you i explain myself constantly. You don`t.

you bash people for no reason, copy paste fascist and racist and homophobe articles only an extremist would call my posted articles thatand - sorry to say - for me you are too disturbingly right wing to still consider it being of good taste.I would be worried if I did anything you considered good taste Do you admit that? Because i admit that for a right wing fascist my opinions might be extreme, but for anyone who has his act together yours might be overly outrageous.

Wanna start a poll about which of our opinion gathers more approval? that's been done already and has been repeatedly done for decades in the US.....40% of people are consistently conservative, 20% are consistently liberal and 40% in the middleTalking about extremes from your standing on this board is - well - disturblingly lacking reality.

why, marshall oh why o why do i sound like that? explain instead of throwing big labels around. I don`t know what a "Leninist" or a "stalinist" thinks. I can relate to marxism for some parts of it.
If you want to put me into labels, try Sexpositivisthaving a lot of sex doesn't make you sex positive....I think you have a lot of sex to get revenge on relatives and polyamorist and Queertheorist. and Capitalist. I am a big capitalist otherwise i would not be here, would i?I hear a lot of anti-capitalism out of are one of those "capitalism is good for me but not you type people"

besides, when will it get into your small conservative little dick-head that labeling people is not a form of discussion? and what is the problem when people sound like marxists?
marxism is immoral........
YOu are not intellectual enough to grab my roots of thoughts.nobody has that degree of intellect to "grab your roots" HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! they vary. I have tea party friends as well, darling.
I consider myself "intellectually flexible".yes, to you truth is subjective I think you are a "rigid tight ass" when it comes to intellectualism?to me truth is objective Originally Posted by ninasastri

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Marshall, stop screwing up quotes