
  • oeb11
  • 11-28-2017, 06:06 PM
Ms. Berkleigh has good taste in upper level wines
for a medium red people like - 14 Hands winery 2014 red Blend Hot to Trot
$10 a bottle or less at total wine.
Very nice and reasonable
Enjoy tasting
Try a Red Ass Rhubarb from Prairieberry Winery in South Dakota. About $21 dollars a bottle, but very good. Won a number of awards around the country.
I am not a big wine person, but it is a very good wine.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Riesling is sweet and easy to drink Originally Posted by Sierra Sinclair
Not all Riesling’s are sweet. It is a very versatile grape and can be fermented any number of ways, including bone dry to extreme,y sweet as in an eisswein.
berkleigh's Avatar
Ms. Berkleigh has good taste in upper level wines
for a medium red people like - 14 Hands winery 2014 red Blend Hot to Trot
$10 a bottle or less at total wine.
Very nice and reasonable
Enjoy tasting Originally Posted by oeb11
I do enjoy the fancy stuff but also have migraines so I have to watch the sulfates. The more expensive, the less the headache.
Recently tried this white Bordeaux for the first time (served during cocktail hour prior to a dinner party)....our table ended up going through "several bottles" before it was all said and done.

Naturally, I might also recommend a bottle of CJB...could run $40 to $225 per bottle depending on the year. My fave is still the 2001 vintage for more reasons than just the wine itself....a story, perhaps, for another time.

Was introduced to Terrazas de los Andes Torrontes Mendoza while attending a recent wine tasting at 60 Vines and loved it. Since that gathering I ordered a case of this wine to serve at an upcoming party I'll be hosting. Individual bottles run approx $14 per unit I believe....

By the way, love the other recommendations made per this thread. by other contributors....this should be one that wine lovers would want to keep going as everyone discover shidden nuggets out there. Cin cin!
Although, people here has shown excellent taste; you may wanna start with champagne start with a simple bottle (Cooks, Korbel) once you acquire the taste go for one of my favs Veuve Clicquot. (My girl Berkleigh poison )
Then with white ones don't do the sweet stuff unless is absolutely what you like, try like someone said Riesling. I would recommend try Sauvignon Blancs those are dry means no sweet but so refreshing on summer days.

Now, if what you want is get yourself into the red ones, start by trying pinot noir, need something really sweet a sangria may do for you! Some wines I love are spanish wines rioja, tempranillo, so understated and those are excellent to me. Tbh i just have one glass of red unless I'm eating big juicy steak i may have two.

I'm not wine expert by any means, just telling you how I got into wine...
Frances Coppola (the godfather)- Merlot- great $12.00 bottle
Charlie Brown's Avatar

Most often the cost of something is directly correlated to the quality of the product - say a Lexus for example.

Not necessarily true with all wines and something else we're found of around here.

Black Box wines are sold in most every grocery store in DFW. The Merlot small box, which holds roughly two glasses of wine, is a very well balanced smooth Merlot and in a blind taste test, you'd think it would cost around $20 a bottle - NADDA ! - under $4.00 EVERYWHERE! Simple good choice in a casual dinner for two.

The 2015 Colombia Crest Cabernet Sauvignon is rated a 91 by Wine Enthusiast Magazine. It's sold primarily at Costco for $6.97 a bottle and it's one of the best bottles of Cab I've ever tasted. I have several bottles rated higher at over twice the cost that can't compare to this wine.

If you're a red wine connoisseur, I think you'd agree that many of the reds coming out of Washington state are exceeding the quality of the Napa and Sonoma wines. I had a sommmelier giving a class on reds at Robert Mondavi say those exact words to me a short while back.

A trend I've noticed lately is a bunch of red blends that are super and these are coming from around the globe - South America (Chili), Argentina, California,France, Washington, & Spain.

For me, I purchase easily 90% of the wine I drink from Costco because many of their wines are rated and you don't have to guess on a new one as if it's going to be pored down the drain or consumed with a nice gourmet snack or thick grilled steak.
I love organic wines lately. No sulfites and no artificial fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides or herbicides - I can really taste the difference and also no hangovers!
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 12-08-2017, 02:50 PM
For me, I purchase easily 90% of the wine I drink from Costco because many of their wines are rated and you don't have to guess on a new one as if it's going to be pored down the drain or consumed with a nice gourmet snack or thick grilled steak. Originally Posted by Charlie Brown
Costco is a great place to get great wine, but don't obsess over wine ratings. They're notoriously corrupt.
ElBombero's Avatar
If you find one you like, you can go to a good store like Pogo’s and ask them to help you find others. The Sigel’s on Inwood used to be good, too, but they closed. Also, look online at the wine lists of some nice restaurants. They usually have some in the sub-100 range that you can find in retail shops for $20-30. Nothing they serve is going to be shit, and you can find some good bargains that way.

Some specific suggestions of some recent cheap stuff I’ve had:

H3 Sauvignon Blanc - dirt cheap patio pounder

Z Alexander Brown Uncaged - a great, low cost cab

Favorites, but more expensive:

Orin Swift Papillon. - outstanding red blend

Neyers 304 - an un-oaked chardonnay - one of my favorite whites

Some overrated and/or over priced:

Katherine Hall Cab - almost $200 a bottle - good, but not THAT good. They claim 99-100 pts- whatever.

Far Niente Chardonnay - I bought a case of this in a silent auction 2 years ago and still have some because I always reach for something else.

Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, so don’t let price or ratings make you “like” something that you don’t enjoy.
steverino50's Avatar
What MRMR said.

I have found a couple of cheap yet drinkable wines at ALDI's of all places. (Outlander for one).

Wine tastings are a lot of fun.