Ms. Berkleigh has good taste in upper level wines
for a medium red people like - 14 Hands winery 2014 red Blend Hot to Trot
$10 a bottle or less at total wine.
Very nice and reasonable
Enjoy tasting
Ms. Berkleigh has good taste in upper level wines
for a medium red people like - 14 Hands winery 2014 red Blend Hot to Trot
$10 a bottle or less at total wine.
Very nice and reasonable
Enjoy tasting Originally Posted by oeb11
For me, I purchase easily 90% of the wine I drink from Costco because many of their wines are rated and you don't have to guess on a new one as if it's going to be pored down the drain or consumed with a nice gourmet snack or thick grilled steak. Originally Posted by Charlie BrownCostco is a great place to get great wine, but don't obsess over wine ratings. They're notoriously corrupt.