How do you guys stay anonymous?

Cowboy2Step's Avatar
As long as that is the only thing you laugh at...
If I ever ask for your ID I promise I will not even remember the info 2 minutes later. Most likely I'm just laughing at your DL photo Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Over the course of a marriage men tend to fall into desperation mode just before Christmas, believing that "any" gift is better than no gift all all. Thus, thousands and thousands of razor-sharp kitchen knives have been placed under the tree to the amazement and disappointment of numerous wives. Since none of us wish to see those disappointing gifts used to filet our dicks or nuts if the disenchanted wife discovers that we've been dipping the stick inside another woman's orifice(s) we tend to be inspired to keep our naughty hobby a secret!
Curious, how do you seasoned hobbyist stay anonymous? I mean, when you see a provider, they usually see your ID right? Originally Posted by jarza
Wrong. Although p411 does advise providers to request ID, I have never yet had a single one do so. If one ever did, I'd just carefully cover up my last name and address on my DL and show it to her so she'd see my first name and picture match up. Most providers are probably like Nicole in that they'd forget it anyway in a minute or two. Of course, the ones who might go psycho on you are also the ones who will remember it, so protect your anonymity.
GneissGuy's Avatar
If they ask to see your ID, walk away. A lady who would ask to see your ID obviously has no concern for your security and will always be a security risk to you and the rest of her clients.
hobbyhorse's Avatar
Always make sure to protect yourself and just don't hand out info. Apparently there have been issues otherwise they wouldn't have posted this on P411

Giving Out Your Client Id 01.01.10
Gentlemen, I'm very disappointed that I have to keep saying this over and over. Please do NOT give out your Client Id to ANYONE unless you are sending it through a request via P411 (unless you have prior approval from me). Just because a person, a business, or a website asks for that information does NOT mean that you should give it to them!!!
For those of you trying to get approved for various websites or forums, simply send me an email asking for a vouch to be sent to that website, which I will happily do without releasing your Client Id which is meant to be kept private except when you are contacting a provider to book an appointment THROUGH P411. There is absolutely NO reason to send them your Client Id, and if I don't know who is behind those sites I'm pretty sure you don't either.
Now, I do know that a number of you have already given out your Client Id and please know that it's not the end of the world. You may however want to contact us to change the last four digits of your Client Id to make sure that it's secure once again.
I am not saying that there is any problem with any of these sites, I'm just saying that I don't know anything about them and have not given approval for P411 to be used in this manner. This is for YOUR safety, and that of the ladies.

Gina and the P411 Team
spudd's Avatar
  • spudd
  • 02-23-2010, 08:06 PM
Here's my take:

We think we're careful and stayed anonymous throughout these years. However, I just have this fear that if LE wants to bust me, they can easily get all the evidence they need.
Weird, in the 3 1/2 years Ive been doing this only one provider ever has asked for id.. (that was touchgiver, retired... but she did it to everyone, and she also showed you her id, so she was easy to trust)
I'm not a guy however, all of my real clients, don't mind giving this information, even if married.
Do to the fact, you never know who, you are messing with.
Could be a Agent, Judge, Pro player, Prince, Chief ect...
oh and to try, to F*ck over, the wrong person, can easily be a mistake.
Now also my clients, don't review, the ones they love, or care about, for several reasons.
So when no one knows, but you and her, what do you have, to worry about.
I hope that helped alittle.
JohnJohn's Avatar
Don't remember anyone ever asking me either but would if asked. It's painless.
  • npita
  • 03-17-2010, 01:42 PM
Curious, how do you seasoned hobbyist stay anonymous? I mean, when you see a provider, they usually see your ID right? Originally Posted by jarza
No. Not once have I been asked for I.D. In fact, The only two times I gave references, I did so because it was convenient for me in those two specific instances. The ``screening'' was minimal to the extent that a few pm's back and forth was sufficient and I was never turned down for an appointment. Taking the time to write a good first contact message goes a long way. If you get p411, do it anonymously (if you're really paranoid.) P411 used to have a 6 month trial offer which required you to supply nothing more than two existing p411 providers to vouch for you. I'm not sure if they still do that.

Never give more information than you are comfortable giving out. Don't use your hobby handle anywhere else, not even on another board. You would be surprised how little information is required to pick up enough pieces through google and other search engines to eventually piece things together if your handle is scattered all over the internet. Park in a non - obvious location where you can't be seen getting out of or back into your car and just walk a bit. Don't take any I.D. with you. Do a little research and avoid anyone who seems flakey, no matter what the little head tells you to do. Most importantly, don't be a jerk so that no one has a reason to want to know who you are. (I'll skip the more obvious things like get a hobby phone, and other things which are always mentioned.)

Tin Man posted:
I'm sometimes amazed at the amount of real-life info a lot of gals share with me.
Same here. I was always a multiple hour client and so there was always a lot of time to chat. So...
Hawkeye9's Avatar
I am ok with 411, but if a girl wants to see my ID I take a hike.
I had one ask it eventhough I made my appointment thru 411, so I told her my 411 ID and thats all she would get
Most importantly, don't be a jerk so that no one has a reason to want to know who you are.
That is some sage advice - it's a lot easier to stay UTR when no one has a vendetta against you.