Couple of things;
1) She did screen you and it was negative
a) you weren't recommended for whatever reason
b) none of your references checked out
c) she read your post history
2) she is too busy and doesn't want your business
3) she put you on her to do list once she gets other well established (or high rollers) out the way.
Originally Posted by txboi817
EXACTLY....move on to the next provider in DFW there is no shortage .
I try to avoid sending my info to a girl for screening if I think the chance is less than 90% that I will see her but some girls get me screened in one day and some I hear back a week later.
Lately I have allot of time on my hands and a fat stack of play money on the table so i've been asking lots of girls to screen me.
After the Holidays in January i'll be nose to the grindstone and no playtime for me.