McAiullife, and Hillary's brother caught selling green cards.

MT Pockets's Avatar
Perhaps you will like this article more.

"The obscure immigration program that helps wealthy foreigners get American Green Cards is proving profitable to some people with very familiar names. Hillary Clinton’s brother is involved. So are powerful California politician Willie Brown and Chicago political boss Richard M. Daley. One firm that helps wealthy Chinese gain access to the little-known immigration program even tried to recruit President Obama’s half-brother, Mark Obama-Ndesandjo." Originally Posted by goodolboy
NO . I like this one though. LOL! Looks like the republicans own this after all.

"Today I am pleased to sign S. 358, the 'Immigration Act of 1990'—the most comprehensive reform of our immigration laws in 66 years."
So they are still ignoring it, it seems. Originally Posted by garhkal
I would suggest noting the date on your link. Q.E.D. Originally Posted by kehaar
I did check "the date," and they are still doing it, it seems.
LexusLover's Avatar
NO . I like this one though. LOL! Looks like the republicans own this after all.
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Next thing you know, Conyer will be blaming the Republicans, because they wouldn't provide him classes on how to avoid sexually harassing female employees according to the Federal statutes that he voted on for passage for the rest of the U.S. citizens.

(If they wouldn't deposit their money in banks, we wouldn't be robbing the banks to get out the money ... Bonnie and Clyde?)
MT Pockets's Avatar
Next thing you know, Conyer will be blaming the Republicans, because they wouldn't provide him classes on how to avoid sexually harassing female employees according to the Federal statutes that he voted on for passage for the rest of the U.S. citizens.

(If they wouldn't deposit their money in banks, we wouldn't be robbing the banks to get out the money ... Bonnie and Clyde?) Originally Posted by LexusLover
There are two things that you like to do. One is to change the subject and the other causes calluses on your knees.
I did check "the date," and they are still doing it, it seems. Originally Posted by andymarksman

I don't care when the deeds were done. Both of those groups of people are assholes. One group would be far more destructive, but that isn't really relevant to the conversation.

The point of this thread is that CNN highlighted the relatively innocuous behavior of the Trump family company during the election cycle. The didn't report on the leftwing racebaiting fascist bigots far worse behavior AT ALL. This was only brought to the forefront by the folks that were conned by the leftwing racebaiting fascist bigots.

I understand that mis-direction and propaganda are just part and parcel of your organization's "education" tactics, but they are starting to become annoying.
LexusLover's Avatar
There are two things that you like to do. One is to change the subject and the other causes calluses on your knees. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You continue to exceed your assigned ignorance.
Next thing you know, Conyer will be blaming the Republicans, because they wouldn't provide him classes on how to avoid sexually harassing female employees according to the Federal statutes that he voted on for passage for the rest of the U.S. citizens. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Being most of these Dimbocracks in office, are supposed to be lawyers, THEY SHOULD ALREADY bloody well know harassment is a crime..
MT Pockets's Avatar
Being most of these Dimbocracks in office, are supposed to be lawyers, THEY SHOULD ALREADY bloody well know harassment is a crime.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Being that most of the Republicans in office are Christian Lunatics they should know as well. I guess they get a pass cause "theys is too stupid" to know LOL!
goodolboy's Avatar
Being that most of the Republicans in office are Christian Lunatics they should know as well. I guess they get a pass cause "theys is too stupid" to know LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Looks like another democrat found a way to get the taxpayers to pay off the women he harassed.

a lawsuit claiming the Arizona Democrat was frequently drunk and created a hostile workplace enviro"Rep. Raul M. Grijalva quietly arranged a “severance package” in 2015 for one of his top staffers who threatenednment, revealing yet another way that lawmakers can use taxpayer dollars to hide their misbehavior on Capitol Hill."

"Mr. Grijalva did not respond to repeated inquiries about why he agreed to a more than $48,000 severance package for an employee on the job for just three months."
NO . I like this one though. LOL! Looks like the republicans own this after all.

] Originally Posted by MT Pockets
It was introduced by Ted Kennedy the creator of the anchor baby. What was the roll call vote before George (I am not a conservative) Bush signed it?
Being that most of the Republicans in office are Christian Lunatics they should know as well. I guess they get a pass cause "theys is too stupid" to know LOL! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Nope. if they are guilty VIA PROOF, not just mere accusations, THEN THEY SHOULD get hammered just like the DEMS SHOULD get hammered..
Imagine that, a Clinton involved in corruption. Originally Posted by goodolboy
It's hard to fathom, lol.

LexusLover's Avatar
It was introduced by Ted Kennedy the creator of the anchor baby. What was the roll call vote before George (I am not a conservative) Bush signed it? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
It must be painful for MyTurd to be confronted with his etched ignorance, except he's too stupid to realize it has been published. The Liberals have been suffering with that "affliction" for years. The never learn ... and for the most part they are getting hammered with recent sexual harassment activities while they can only dredge up ancient history on the current "anti-Liberals" .... Moore of 40 years ago and Trump talking shit about reality 20-30 years ago.

So MyTurd reaches back to 1990's and it was a Kennedy who sponsored the legislation. Same affliction, just a different topic.
MT Pockets's Avatar
It was introduced by Ted Kennedy the creator of the anchor baby. What was the roll call vote before George (I am not a conservative) Bush signed it? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
LOL! Bush did not have to sign it now did he?
George H. W. Bush is quoted in saying "I am also pleased to note that this Act facilitates immigration not just in numerical terms, but also in terms of basic entry rights of those beyond our borders."[7] The administration, therefore, saw the importance of this amendment in extending a welcoming to those previously excluded nations/individuals.
George Bush: "S. 358 accomplishes what this Administration sought from the outset of the immigration reform process: a complementary blending of our tradition of family reunification with increased immigration of skilled individuals to meet our economic needs."

"Today I am pleased to sign S. 358, the 'Immigration Act of 1990'—the most comprehensive reform of our immigration laws in 66 years."

"Immigration reform began in 1986 with an effort to close the "back door" on illegal immigration through enactment of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA). Now, as we open the "front door" to increased legal immigration, I am pleased that this Act also provides needed enforcement authority."

"I am also pleased to note that this Act facilitates immigration not just in numerical terms, but also in terms of basic entry rights of those beyond our borders. S. 358 revises the politically related "exclusion grounds" for the first time since their enactment in 1952."[7]
I do not think he was under duress when he signed it LOL!
MT Pockets's Avatar
It must be painful for MyTurd to be confronted with his etched ignorance, except he's too stupid to realize it has been published. The Liberals have been suffering with that "affliction" for years. The never learn ... and for the most part they are getting hammered with recent sexual harassment activities while they can only dredge up ancient history on the current "anti-Liberals" .... Moore of 40 years ago and Trump talking shit about reality 20-30 years ago.

So MyTurd reaches back to 1990's and it was a Kennedy who sponsored the legislation. Same affliction, just a different topic. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Bush was all for it dumbass, maybe you should have read the link before you ran your mouth.