Republicans Need To Apologize To Hillary Clinton

StandinStraight's Avatar
Ooooohhh, you have drunk the Kool Aid. The FBI investigated Hillary on one thing and found that she mishandled secret information. Comey changed the words to make it SOUND like she didn't commit a crime. The FBI investigated her for possessing FBI files and she did it but the Clinton White House refused to prosecute. The FBI wanted to fully investigate the Rose Law Firm billing records but Hillary had them with her the entire time. By that time the FBI decided not to investigate. There was criminality at White Water and the McDougals took the fall but the Clinton Justice department refused to pressure the McDougals to give up the Clintons. Probably a good thing for Susan since her husband died suddenly and mysteriously. The travel staff of the White House was subjected to a Soviet style prosecution so Hillary could get their jobs for her friends the Thomasons. What she did was an abuse of power that would have been impeachable if she was the president. As First Lady she took no oath, said no words, or signed any papers supporting the Constitution of the law of the land.
That's the some of the offenses that could have been prosecuted. Many of her other actions are highly questionable; sanitizing the office of Vince Foster in violation of federal law, forcing the FBI to grant security clearances to people who are security risks, obstructing the probe into the Lewinsky and Jones scandal, among others. That's just the White House years. I won't even get into the SOS years. Too many things. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Everything that you said is total bullshit propaganda direct from Fox News, they have zero credibility and all of it is bias opinion, Hillary was found guilty of nothing because she did nothing wrong, plain and simple truth.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... Hillary was found guilty of nothing because she did nothing wrong, plain and simple truth. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Has HillariousNoMore been tried by a "jury of U.S. citizens" yet?

You're full of "plain an simple" bullshit.
StandinStraight's Avatar
We went over this while you were gone. Trump CAN pardon Flynn if he wants. Who has said otherwise? How about a name besides Standin in Shit. Is that your Indian name? Is this Elizabeth Warren? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
He can try to pardon anyone he wants but that doesn’t mean it is legal because if he is pardoning someone to save his own ass it’s a crime that he is liable for.

Julie O’Sullivan, law professor, Georgetown University

If the President pardons anyone involved in the Russian investigation, it may prove to be one of the stupidest things he has yet done. If the president were to pardon Kushner or Manafort or Flynn, presumably that pardon would extend to the Russia investigation because that is what concerns Trump. If — and this is a big if — the president is shown to have pardoned them to avoid his own personal exposure in the Russia investigation, that in and of itself could constitute obstruction of justice.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Your are a liar Standin in Shit. Comey has said that there was no collusion before the election and only collusion (whatever they decided that is) could effect the outcome of the election. The only contact Flynn had was post election therefore no collusion and Mueller still has nothing more than a procedural conviction. That is the equivalent of going elephant hunting and bringing back a rabbit. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Comey said he had no proof of collusion before the election, that was along time ago and did not mean that it did not occur only that he had no proof yet, Mueller has proof of collusion before the election that why the President is in very very big trouble.
LexusLover's Avatar
Comey said he had no proof of collusion before the election, that was along time ago and did not mean that it did not occur only that he had no proof yet, Mueller has proof of collusion before the election that why the President is in very very big trouble. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Quit leaking information from the Special Investigation Office!
LexusLover's Avatar
He can try to pardon anyone he wants but that doesn’t mean it is legal because if he is pardoning someone to save his own ass it’s a crime that he is liable for.

Julie O’Sullivan, law professor, Georgetown University

If the President pardons anyone involved in the Russian investigation, it may prove to be one of the stupidest things he has yet done. If the president were to pardon Kushner or Manafort or Flynn, presumably that pardon would extend to the Russia investigation because that is what concerns Trump. If — and this is a big if — the president is shown to have pardoned them to avoid his own personal exposure in the Russia investigation, that in and of itself could constitute obstruction of justice. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Julie needs to take a refresher course on the FACTS .....

.. AND THEN brush up on Presidential pardons.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Has HillariousNoMore been tried by a "jury of U.S. citizens" yet?

You're full of "plain an simple" bullshit. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Good point you make! No she has never been tried by anyone and never will be because after decades of investigations and wasting millions of tax payer dollars the republicans could not even find something she did wrong to get her into a traffic court yet alone a criminal jury! No my friend the criminal juries are reserved for only those that commit crimes, not for good Americans like Hillary Clinton.
Republicans should apologize to Hillary if by apologize you mean indict.
LexusLover's Avatar
No she has never been tried by anyone and never will be because.... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Like Flynn she'll cut a deal to drop all her "friends" in the grease .... that's just the kind of person she is with regard to her friends .... some she just drops while their in Libya.

What was the name of her "friend" found in the woods?
Julie needs to take a refresher course on the FACTS .....

.. AND THEN brush up on Presidential pardons. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Wasn't odummer a Georgetown Law " professor " too ? And we can see how " up-to-speed " he was on Constitutional law !
LexusLover's Avatar
No ... Chicago Law School.... but just to make sure AssUp doesn't get all anal and distressed with all that jumping up and down like he did about sharks in the water at Galveston ....

University of Chicago School of Law....or ....

The School of Law at the University of Chicago ....

Father Snee was a relatively well-known Georgetown constitutional law professor, and I doubt Julie had him from the way she "believes" and he would have "blown her out the doors" if she'd popped off like that anyway!
Republicans have investigated Hillary for decades and have found her guilty of nothing. Donald Trump is investigated for a few months and we have plea deals and collusion with Russia, money laundering scandals, associates under house arrest and special prosecutors.
Hillary is like Mother Teresa or Ghandi , all she is guilty of is trying to help people. History shows that saints are always put down and persecuted by those that dwell in greed and bigotry as most republicans do.

It’s time to apologize to Hillary Clinton and denounce Donald Trump so that you can say you chose good over evil. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Mother Theresa believed and trusted in God, Hillary Clinton doesn't. She only believes and trusts in her donors.

LexusLover's Avatar
Mother Theresa believed and trusted in God, Hillary Clinton doesn't. She only believes and trusts in her donors.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I doubt either one would have shattered a wide screen TV with a decent bottle of "sparkling wine," either, like HillariousNoMore!
Cherie, of course the collusion was before the election, they were colluding to change the outcome of the election so doing it after the election would have done no good, duh. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
No, you missed the point, (no surprise here) point being, the investigation was begun on the premise that Trump colluded with the Russians before the election in order to rig the election. None of that has come to light however. And, of course we all know collusion is NOT A CRIME, so why even begin an investigation, oh right the Libbys must keep up the BS in order for the uninformed (and there are a TON of uninformed who only listen to Clinton News Network and Lyin MSNBC) and don't really want to expand their horizons and maybe listen to a little talk radio where they might hear an objective opinion.
Everything that you said is total bullshit propaganda direct from Fox News, they have zero credibility and all of it is bias opinion, Hillary was found guilty of nothing because she did nothing wrong, plain and simple truth. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Your opinion only, seeing of course as you never listen to the opposition, you just parrot what the Moron Liberal Left Media says. Maybe have little critical thinking so you can carry on a conversation with both sides instead of following the pack. Learn to be a contrarian instead of the acolyte aka hanger on-minion-follower.

Fact of the matter is Liberals, very little has changed other than finding yourselves a scapegoat for all the Left Wing sexual predatory behaviors going on, AHHHH yes, we can finally have a way to sweep that "nonsense" under the rug and just blab away about "Trump collusion" and the idiots (remember Gruber, that was what he called you Liberals, because Conservatives did not vote for ACA) well, they'll believe it all.