I had my students read random samples of posts from this forum and had them share their thoughts. What they pointed out was that all those supporting conservative issues always included racist remarks, they also said you seemed angry and quick to disrespect women. I asked them why they thought conservatives had these obvious character flaws. They came up with many reasons but the following seemed to be repeated most....
1 uneducated
2 beaten as children by parents
3 sexually frustrated or impotent
4 unhappy in their work
5 unemployed
6 ignorant
7 unable to read or don’t read
8 lower on the economic scale
9 mean wives
10 overweight toward obesity
11 sexually confused ( possibly gay but in denial )
I thought about this and think it might be fun to hear from all of you deplorables as to why you think you are so racist and angry at the world and disrespectful toward women?
Please reply with your lists and be honest!
Originally Posted by StandinStraight
It's black folk that's increasing the rise in being racciss, not the members of the beautiful white race. Instead of blacks being proud and strong, they're coming off as crying wimps, coming off has hating America, our flag, and veterans. Now they're pissed off that President Trump stay in da big house. Black America had 8 years to show things like honor, dignity, and love of country, however as Bonzo Obamas time was ending, they started showing their asses about almost everything. All the shit that MLK went through just went down the shitter with Bonzo obama and his wife michael. Black America is in far worse position that it was in 1990-2010 and it's your fault, not white America's fault.
Prime example, President Trump pulled 3 turds out of a Chinese jail, and one ungrateful bastard of a father wouldn't even think President Trump from saving his kid 10 years of hell. And instead of junior being suspended as a punishment for his crime, his piece of shit father let's him do what he wants to do. Like they're both entitled and/or above the law. Junior should've known to behave when out of country, but no, daddy's little boy is above the rules. To bad President Trump didn't know all of this before bailing his ass out of a Chinese jail, as he probably would've let him rot over there and let daddy bail his worthless ass out. Of course the Chinese would've laughed at one proud papa, and told him to get the fuck out of China.