Best Part of Having a Big Dick?

TagYoureIt's Avatar
So the logistics of balls and running...

When/if you run do they swing and hit your thighs? That just seems like it would get annoying really quick.... Originally Posted by LyssandraAsh
The swinging part isn't really that big of a deal. Like someone else said, they tend to hide during physical exertion and most wear briefs as far as I know.

For the boxer fans, the rashes are another story...

It's why you see dudes during the summer that are not dressed like a cowboy, but are walking around like one.
oldtiger's Avatar
Yeah, while I'm not into Greek action, there is a ego satisfying moment when a provider comments about how she's glad you didn't want that particular service, due to your endowments.
Playing with it?
I have been told by ladies that Cabezón hits the G spot just perfect, their words, not mine.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
Where the hell do testicles go when you sit on a bicycle?
LyssandraAsh's Avatar
Where the hell do testicles go when you sit on a bicycle? Originally Posted by Little Miss Cuntcakes
I've always wanted to know this too!
I've always wanted to know this too! Originally Posted by LyssandraAsh
It depends on the shape and size of the bicycle seat .
I do a lot of ranch driving and some days the roads are really rough on the boys
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
You know your balls hang too low when you can play hackysack with

I saw a guy the other day who' dick had its own zip code Originally Posted by DallasRain
I was told that once, but the lady had a great sense of humor. Lol
ck1942's Avatar
Well, blessed or not, I do know what to say when the guy at the next over urinal brags that the "water is mighty cold today!"

Yes it is. Mighty deep, too!

===> and the infamous limerick <===

There was a young man from Nantucket
Whose cock was so long he could suck it
He said with a grin
as he wiped off his chin
If my ear were a cunt I could fuck it!

Where the hell do testicles go when you sit on a bicycle? Originally Posted by Little Miss Cuntcakes
I think that's why they wear spandex to hold them close... I don't know I had one bike as a kid and never was interested in it that much.
Guest010619's Avatar
Where the hell do testicles go when you sit on a bicycle? Originally Posted by Little Miss Cuntcakes
Like Milo said, depends on size and shape of seat.
In that case, both on one side or sometimes one on either side. In any case, they are always shifted into different positions for comforts sake.
Xesaddict's Avatar
Okay. Before you can consider the pros and cons of having a big dick maybe we should first determine what constitutes a “big dick.” Is it length, girth, or a combination of the two. If length, at what length can we say a dick is big. If girth, what is the cutoff between small, medium, and large. Same goes for a combination of the two. What’s the number? Who made the determination? Was there a study done? Should a dick be measured when flaccid or when erect? Lots of variables to consider. I seriously doubt anyone should take it as factual when when told by a hooker their dick is big. After all, they know how to massage the male ego by telling their clients how big their dick is. Besides, since vagina sizes vary greatly what is big for one woman would not be for another. Same goes for rectums. . Some providers asses are so tight you can’t slide a toothpick in without using lube, and some are so big you wonder if they have been performing in beastiality porn with an elephant. Someone want to step up and set some objective guidelines for a big dick and explain where and how those guidelines were determined. If we can get some agreed upon standards maybe then the OP can beat his own drum, no pun intended, without the pretense of asking the kind of question he posed. As for me, hell, At my age I’m glad mine still works, and I’m positive no hooker would lie to me.
SpartacusBro's Avatar
Dr Grey's Avatar
This article should answer your question addict.

Anything over 7 to 7.5. 8 inches or more is bigger than 99 percent of the human population. Rasputin had an 11 incher, and therefore was placed in a pickled jar for examination of human accomplishment as shown in the article lol. In any case, length determined a "big" penis. But a 6 incher the size of a coke can would be big also I'd imagine, a description one lady gave me once who had to turn someone down due to size.
“My dick is so big I’m already fucking a girl tomorrow.”