What police sting drama? Never been involved. Secondly, yes I am not friends with some people I was once friends with. And I was referring to Hailey when I was talking about the drugs and being on the way out. And this post in its entirety is in response to one of the men hobbyist who is spreading rumors about me due to the fact I would not go on a lunch date with him. I dont have a shitty attitude. But if you play games, I'm not going to be so nice because thats my time and money wasted.. Especially if you are spreading rumors cause you dont like me anymore or just because I wouldnt go out to eat with you. Thats lame.. And childish. If someones bashing my name im going to respond and address the situation. Sorry not sorry.
Originally Posted by Ayohannah
and as far as the man hobbyist who was not only a repeat customer! but also willing to buy you lunch after he had a session with you. now i understand time is money in this endeavor we all play in!
but maybe just maybe had you gone out to lunch with this repeat customer hobbyist! probably would have solidified the return and repeat business and put you up there on his list as atf material! this not only would have put more $ in your pocket from him but he also would refer you to other hobbyists putting even more $ in your pocket!
and please dear re read your response to my post and then re read it again and tell me if that response does not come off as catty and shitty attitude when all i was doing is offer you advice to help you!
i see myself as one of the upper tier members on this forum granted i have not been here as long as many of the other top tier members but i also have not been here a mere 14 days either!
all im saying dear is take some advice and some criticism and learn from it and grow! or don't and fail idc either way i am not the one depending on money from men like myself to survive and pay my bills!
but i have bee round here log enough to see warning signs that you are most likely going to fail altogether at this or end up something else in this lifestyle! if you don't change your attitude!
like i said idc either way its not my money it is affecting but as a man who spends my money in this hobby i can tell you i would spend my money elsewhere! even though you're the type of gal in my wheelhouse! there are to many red flags when it comes to you that tell me a session with you could go any number of ways good or bad. stop for a second and let that sink in and remember where your money comes from hobbyists just like myself!