Anyone else having suicidal fantasies?

I am not reading all of that long winded troll bullshit I just quoted. I was serious about mailing you a gun. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
"I haven't read it, but I'm against it!" You should get a job in congress, haha.
chicagoboy's Avatar
If you read the thread, my preference is the 20th. Originally Posted by zacknite
January 20th, the first anniverary of Trump's inauguration? Then we'll have two reasons to celebrate!

Capsules always make me think of Nedeljko Čabrinović, one of the seven Black Hand anarchists who participated in the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Originally Posted by zacknite
Don't be like Čabrinović, who was a complete fuck-up. See the job through to its completion.
Don't be like Čabrinović, who was a complete fuck-up. See the job through to its completion.[/QUOTE]

Well, he had no way of knowing the capsule was not strong enough, or the water too shallow. I think he was a fuck up for a different reason. To me, Čabrinović represents the stupidity and vanity of ideological devotion. That said, in a less narrow minded sense, he has also been very successful, though not in the way he intended. I found his story hilarious when it was taught to me in middle school, and it perfectly captures the tragically comic pointlessness of the Great War. He gave humanity something amusing. It's more than most people will ever contribute.
pyramider's Avatar
Please kill yourself and your other handle.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Wow, thanks for your kind words. I do not worry at all about nasty comments, I find them amusing. Suicide is a very touchy subject, and I expect people to struggle to express their feelings towards suicide and suicidal people articulately. Frankly, I think a lot of people end up in this hobby because we aren't the best at living with our emotions. Originally Posted by zacknite
A very long time ago, decades really, I felt very depressed and well, thought about suicide. In hindsight, I considered it stupid female emotions after a really negative break up with a man that I loved (or thought that I would love forever).

Sometimes, those emotions causes one to consider such dumb stuff.

After that brief craziness of thoughts, I've never felt that way since. Really believe that a lot of suicidal thoughts are a result of a chemical imbalance, which someone has already mentioned above.

I am not reading all of that long winded troll bullshit I just quoted. I was serious about mailing you a gun. You are just another fool with a banned handle/mandle. Nice try

Anyway clown, have a nice Christmas. I've got better shit to do today, but I'll be back later. Hopefully you won't be if you already own a gun. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

You're so very sweet. I've had suicidal thoughts in the past.

Very far past. But past.

I would appreciate you sending me a gun. I like guns.

And there isn't a problem with sending you my "elisabeth" PO box address.

Is it LEGAL to mail guns? (A shotgun would be great, too! I'm not picky!)


ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... since I tend towards being gullible at times, if you ARE serious about your lack of self worth, and are feeling very downtrodden, just know that there are a lot of people out there that do care.

Heck, I care.

And Christmas is just another day of the year. Too many people put too much stock and emotion into the day/event.

Holidays do tend to bring out the worst of dark feelings in some. Breath. And go forward. Don't hurt yourself. Please.

Take care,
Please kill yourself and your other handle. Originally Posted by pyramider
This is the only handle I use on this site. I made it because tons of providers insist on references, which is reasonable. Now I have premium access and have to see another provider soon so I can keep it, haha. I'm a sucker for incentives.
  • bw357
  • 12-25-2017, 08:08 PM
Not meaning to bother you, but if you plan on killing yourself it would would seem reasonable to spend your money first, right? Blow it on hookers and whatever you fancy, and enjoy your last few days. Or month. Are you able to enjoy fucking, or are you able to enjoy yourself?
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
Such a beautiful mind. I imagine you could do great things if you could get past this. Perhaps, you could speak publicly on the topic. Get people talking about it. It really does need to happen.

I'm actually infuriated by our culture that shames and demonizes negative emotions. Folks are tripping over themselves to avoid frustration, anger, sadness, hatred - anything that isn't bright and shiny. Yet, they are all completely natural and, often, reasonable responses to adversity and conflict. And it alienates those who are truly in pain. Sad people are "downers", they're "bitter" and "negative". Ain't nobody got time for that. The only time folks understand the desire to end it is when they can SEE the deterioration, like terminal cancer. In other words, if it's not painful enough for them, if it doesn't affect them profoundly enough, your pain isn't painful enough.

I get that no one with a soul wants to hold their loved one's hand while they end their life, under any circumstance. But I also wouldn't want anyone suffering just to spare me of my pain. Every time we read or hear about a suicide, they're alone. It just shouldn't be that way.

I'm happy to do what I can do to help you through this. I mean that. I see you making a difference for others. And that could be what gives your life meaning. Lemons/lemonade?

Free guns by mail? Whore trolls? Isn't this the weirdest place? I do not want free guns by mail or to troll. I think suicide should be something people can talk about openly. Your post reminds me of the reflexive apathy of adolescence - the need to be seen not caring. But the desperate need to to be perceived as invulnerable is itself a vulnerable state. You don't have to defend yourself here. We're just friendly people on a board casually discussing suicide.

I mean, you are insulting a guy (the guy you quoted whose intelligence you question) who is literally reaching out with compassion to the suicidal. What do you get out of that? Between being a depressed person, being a compassionate person, and being a guy who feels emotionally compelled to belittle the former two, I think the latter is by far the most pathetic and sad condition of the three. The saddest part is we can't even help you, because to help you, you'd have to be capable of letting yourself be vulnerable. It's ironic that people say things to try and sound cold and invulnerable, but it only makes them look super defensive and insecure. After all, someone who really didn't care wouldn't feel the need to go on the attack in such a petty and childish way.

It is horrifying that you think nycalcharlie2003's kindness makes him unintelligent. That means you equate everyday compassion with unintelligence. Is that why you are afraid to be emotionally open and vulnerable? You're afraid that if you don't try to act faux teenage cool someone will call you dumb? We won't. No one here is going to try to hurt your feelings. You are safe here. Originally Posted by zacknite
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-25-2017, 08:57 PM

If you're for real look up an exit bag. Very clean and easy. No pain just sleep. Enjoy the other side.
Lucas McCain's Avatar


You're so very sweet. I've had suicidal thoughts in the past.

Very far past. But past.

I would appreciate you sending me a gun. I like guns.

And there isn't a problem with sending you my "elisabeth" PO box address.

Is it LEGAL to mail guns? (A shotgun would be great, too! I'm not picky!)


Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
That's not going to work. My guns are all registered in my legal name. I'll need your legal name and address. PM me with that info and you'll have one of my Henry rifles by next year if you want one and you can register it in your name. I don't think that's unreasonable to ask of you for a free rifle. Why would it matter if you decide again that you want to kill yourself and I know your real name and address? It's not like I could ever tell anyone that I like to mail Henry rifles to people I've never met on a whore board who have suicidal thoughts.

I'll put it out there, anyone who wants a free Henry rifle, send me your real name and address and I'll verify it. It's a simple verification process but I'll know that it's actually you. If you post again on this board after you have received it, I want my rifle back. If you blow your fucking head off, I'm glad I helped. Your estate can keep the rifle. I won't want it back. Deal?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Is the OP still with us? Never put off 'til your birthday what you can do today.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Is the OP still with us? Never put off 'til your birthday what you can do today. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I am kind of a procrastinator. Hopefully the OP is not one. I hope his/her brain is splattered all over the keyboard right now.
pyramider's Avatar
Might be waiting for a New Years blow out....
That’s all we need is the media to get a hold of this tread and this board will be shut down too!! Then we will all be jumping off the bridge