The posts were civil until you showed up with your "what's your point" and your "why ask the fucking question" lines. So you can drop the agressive-passive approach. If you want to contribute to the thread with civility, then do so, but if you come here blowing a bunch of hot air and internet puffery, then I will respond accordingly. You can answer a question without having to re-inforce your illusions of intellectual grandeur, JackASS. And as far as not responding well when what's presented is not what's expected, ain't that the pot calling the kettle round and hot.....
I can tell you something that I'd learned by sixth grade: If all of the people over there want you dead, then stay the fuck away from over there - especially if you don't live there: If i get my ass kicked everytime i go to my friend's house to visit, then my friend is gonna have to come to my house. And, unilateral support of Israel is the reason why most of the people over there want us dead. I fully understand Islamic extremism, but I also understand why their extremism is directed at the U.S. I also know the history of the region and you attributing unilateral support of Israel to Islamic extremism is like attributing the neutralization of the American Indian solely to Indian aggression. Both instances are about the acquisition of land and territory that belonged to another. We didn't commit the Holocaust and as horrid as it was, we shouldn't carry any guilt that compells the US to unilaterally support Israel, especially since the US basically defeated Nazi Germany, and even more so when factoring in the cost of American lives both in WWII and since.
BTW get a dictionary and look up the word "rumor". Right next to it, you'll find those numbers that you're looking for.
Originally Posted by thorough9
In reverse order...
Rumor is your acceptable level of information when making decisions? Okay.
We can leave the Middle East tomorrow. We can tell Israel to go screw themselves tomorrow. Do you honestly believe the day after that radical Islam will suddenly think we're their friends, or at least have a change of heart about our being the Great Satan? Not likely.
In a perverted sort of way the Muslim world's hatred of Israel is a stabilizing influence. Look back through history (long before 1949). This has never been a peaceful region. While Israel is their lightening rod they have someone other than each other to hate. Look at what happens when the focus changes to other Arab states. The Iran-Iraq war. Saddam's invasion of Kuwait (without intervention do you think he'd have stopped there?).
You can't discuss Israel without bringing into the discussion extremist Islam, they are too inter-related.
While I agree with another poster that Israel is far from pristine it can't be denied that the Arab states have been the aggressors in the major conflicts that have involved Israel. The 1956 Sinai War, the 1967 "6 day war", the 1973 Yom Kippur war, all of them were initiated by Arab states with Israel defending its borders. In their victory over the invaders they captured territory and have so far held most of that territory.
You might not like it, I might not like it, but history shows that most of the time borders are set by the victors in military conflict. Sure, some can be negotiated, but the starting points are what was captured and the winning side has the benefit of negotiating from a position of strength. Whether we like it or not, when a country is invaded, beats back the invaders and captures territory, they set the terms. Until, that is, someone else can do that to them. It's the way its always been and I suspect the way it will always be.
I have no idea if you support Obama's plan to start negotiating by giving back all the territory captured in the 6 days war. Israel won't do it. A lot of that land they kept because it was nearly indefensible and they aren't going to let that happen again. Besides that, why should they? If the Palestinians have shown one thing it's that it will never be enough. They will NEVER be satisfied as long as one little village in that region flies an Israeli flag. That's not rumor or conjecture, that's their stated goal. "Drive Israel Into The Sea" is Hamas stated purpose.
Jews can make just as good a historical claim on this land as any other group of people in addition to the claim that the original Israeli territory was legally given to them in several ways as a homeland as well as the legal claim of being captured territory in defense of their nation. Those are all valid claims.
Now look at what the Palestinians can claim. Were some "displaced"? Absolutely. They have also been allowed to live there with more rights than most Arab countries allow them to have. But it's never enough. It never will be enough.
You ask why we support Israel so one-sided. Financially we don't. We give more money to Arab states combined than we do Israel in the region. We are the largest supporter of the Palestinians financially. Militarily, absolutely we do and in my mind rightfully so. Israel hasn't invaded Syria, or Jordan, or Egypt to try to expand their borders. They've actually given back captured territory. While not pristine (nobody is that fights to win) I believe them to have captured the moral high ground in this regard so we should back them.
There is no Palestinian nation. There never has been. The Palestinians consist mostly of nomadic transients settling in the region because, to be blunt, nobody else wants them. Israel has never done what Saudi Arabia did recently by booting out several hundred thousand from their borders.
Why is it that Jordan, or Syria, or Egypt haven't stepped up and said "Hey guys, we feel your pain, here's some of OUR land for you to make your homeland. Good luck and Allah bless." Oh, because that's THEIR land? And it's THEIR land more than Israel's land is Israel's how? Honestly I think that if any of the parties believed this would solve the problem and bring about a lasting peace they might very well do it but they know it won't because having land for a Palestinian Homeland isn't the problem. The problem is there are Jews living in an area that Jews have lived in for thousands of years, they hate the Jews and they want them dead or at least gone. That's the problem. Belief in anything else is simply naive.
Finally, if the PA came to the table and said "Look, if you give us the land back that was captured in '67, and let us rule ourselves, we will promise to recognize your right to exist, live in peace with you as good neighbors, and begin a new age of cooperation." and REALLY MEANT IT. And then DID IT. Do you doubt for one minute that Israel would no welcome that solution? I don't. But the Palestinians will NEVER make that offer. Anything Israel offers will NEVER be enough for them as long as there's an Israel, and Israel knows it.
Perhaps it's possible to not pick a side, let them solve their own differences. We tried that once prior to WWII and that didn't work out so well. I'm not going to argue that the current policy hasn't exactly been a raving success either, but it hasn't resulted in a world war, at least not yet.