Can Anyone Love A Hooker?

Sinclar's Avatar
I dated a provider for a while back in my late 20's. I had very strong feeling for her and I believe, her for me. Was it love? Couldn't really say. I didn't have an issue with her profession really. I was self conscious at times when we were intimate as she had experienced so many men but that's on me not her.

I had to move to take care of a terminal family member. I offered her to come with me but she opted to stay where she was at.

I think it can happen. Has to be the right kind of person though. But anything can happen.
I think it is very possible to find love as a hooker...but NOT with a client! Ever! Date a regular dude who has never paid you for sex. I know so many providers in relationships, even married...but their partners NEVER saw them in a client/provider sense.

I tried to date a client once and it was a disaster, money was always in the back of his mind, it made him so insecure and he was always asking if I was with him for the money or for him.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-03-2018, 03:03 PM
Lolol lady of the night sound like a disco song... But me too. Im thinking about getting a small dog. I hate havin the feeling that im someones fetish. Like i even tone down my puerto rican accent at times bc i feel like that's a fetish for some too smh
Sex is an intimate Act. Ultimately it's this intimacy between two people that leads to them having feelings for one another. Now, of course it takes more than just sex to want to be in a relationship with someone but great sex will cloud one's perception on whether or not what they are experiencing is genuine and able to withstand the test of time. So while beauty and great sex may open the door to some poor saps heart, it will not keep him. If a lady desires a true relationship, she has to bring more to the table. Can she truly be a help mate and not a she great with there mental baggage (i.e. bad life experiences that lead to trust issues)? Oh, and if he desires her to, will she be willing to leave the provider lifestyle? So go out, enjoy the company of a nice guy who is willing to give you the respect, attention, affection and adoration you desire. But be honest with yourself and him if you have no plans to leave the provider life.
pyramider's Avatar
All relationships are difficult at best. Can a provider and fucktard fall in love and live happily ever after? Sure, why not ... it will not be easy. Both parties have to trust the other without judging. i would say its probably a 98% failure rate. But those that can make it work are wonderful couples.
billtrum's Avatar
It seems like it could work in my mind. I don't know. Doesn't true love also include knowing all about each other? And their past? At least this way, you would both know about each others' past. And you could build on that as a shared knowledge between only you two. Or you would have this feeling of hiding something from your love if they didn't know, no?
myren1900's Avatar
This is a great thread.

Providers are regular women too and have a world outside the hobby. I see no reason why they cannot be in love and have a SO or being married. On the other hand, being that SO does require some special qualities. In theory, providing sex for pay is just a job like any other, but personally, I can image it being difficult for a guy, if the woman he loves, is having sex with numerous men every week. As DeepThunder states, having sex is a rather intimate endeavor.
I have never had to deal with it, but I doubt I would be comfortable with the situation. I have had several providers ask me if I was interested in a long term relationship and they always implied it would mean they would quit the biz, but also that they expected me to take case of them financially.
If I fell in love with a provider, I would certainly consider it, well knowing that the risk of failure would be high.

daarakan's Avatar
In other countries, everybody's too poor to give a shit how you're making your money LOL much less deny having a second income in the home for the sake of "morals"!

Originally Posted by Katana Kay
Have to disagree with that part. Most of them are far away from their country of origin, as it is essentially pointless to provide/escort in a poor country. They ship out for extended times into more wealthy countries often without friends and family knowing what they are doing. In Amsterdam, only 25% of the prostitutes are dutch.

"About 75 percent of all prostitutes are from Eastern or Central Europe".

As for here, it is either or situation. Both have to know everything and both be completely comfortable with it, because it can become a weapon later in a disagreement or argument. There is also something to be said for not telling. If there is no risk to prospective partner, then it might be a no harm, no foul situation. I have thought a few times about it in terms of the general question of how many partners have you been with. It either has to be all out there, or nothing situation.

Also, keep in mind that the membership of the board is 429,812. It is rather small for a nation with 330 some million and a world with 4 some odd billion. 8 times as many stoners watch adult swim on comedy central every night.
Ive met some verry nice ladies in this hobby...seems like i could be friends with...more than that..i dont know...i have had a relationship with a jave a SO that i adore but i kust lile getti g my ki ks off this way...and i deffinetly dont think badly of the ladies ...hoe could i i mean im using their if theyre bad im just as bad....
Bassangler's Avatar
Some of you ladies may be pretty good at acting, but a guy can deff tell when there is chemistry and/or attraction in the room. I'm not talking about love really, but I know from my experience, I have a better time when I feel like the lady is having a good time as well. Not just stuck at work so to speak. But y'all carry on. This is pretty interesting.
Is this discussion really about commitment? The possibility of commitment emerging from a commercial sexual connection?
I don't view sex as a commitment. I view it as fun and feel good activity.
I started the hobby lifestyle in the 70's.
I started a swinger lifestyle in the 80's.
I really started getting more and more kinky around the early 2000's.
Sex is fun for me. I no longer look for intimacy. I look for fun.
I love my wife, but sex is now just for fun. Intimate, yes, but you can get intimate with a GFE Provider.
Could I marry a Provider? Probably. If she treats sex with me like I like to be treated. No coming home saying she is fucked out for the day.
And it would take years of working on trust before thinking about it.
I don't care if she fucks for money. My wife fucked for free for over 20 years while married to me. Money is just a +.
Not sure you and I disagree.
Let's turn it around how many providers have fallen in love with a trick I would say zero.

The other thing is economic it's better off if both people who fall in love have about the same amount of money and unfortunately in this business dudes have a lot and ladies tend to have little or none..... That's just reality