Trump's First Year: An Amazing Success

He only needs but one sentence: You're fired. Anything other than that should be ye olde Demonicrat response - the fifth. Futt Buck 'em. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Donald Trump’s lawyers don’t want Robert Mueller to interview him.
Why ever not? He is a stable genius and there was no collusion! Just get it over with so you can go back to golfing and tweeting in peace.
He's a proven lying sack of shit.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Why yes I do - feel safer. In fact, I felt safer on election night last year knowing our 2nd amendment rights were going to remain right where they are and probably even improve a little from there. But in more recent times, hell f-ing yes, ISIS is getting their buttocks spanked faster than Sue_Nami can spank you. Though it cost much less for Sue... Turns out, most of what it took was to recognize the enemy and pursue them with all alacrity. OBozo thought they were the JV team and no clue what a shovel was, much less a shovel ready project. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Obama was in office for 8 years and he did not push any restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights. A Conservative SCOTUS has been, in my opinion, very fair in protecting 2nd Amendment rights and limiting them at times when deemed in the best interests of the public.

I personally feel no safer when traveling overseas since Trump took office. I have never had any fears of terrorist activity in the U.S. I can't think of any policies enacted since Trump has taken office that have impacted terrorist emigration to this country. We were safe under Obama and we are safe under Trump.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Obama was in office for 8 years and he did not push any restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Bullshit! The dimretards are STILL trying (and failing miserably)...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh gooody, gfejonesing has switched from Daily Caller to Fox for his BS claims.
Now,now Observing don't worry - I just heard that President Trump will be stepping down from office------ At 12 noon on January 20th,2025.

Donald Trump’s lawyers don’t want Robert Mueller to interview him.
Why ever not? He is a stable genius and there was no collusion! Just get it over with so you can go back to golfing and tweeting in peace.
He's a proven lying sack of shit. Originally Posted by Observing
Now,now Observing don't worry - I just heard that President Trump will be stepping down from office------ At 12 noon on January 20th,2025. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
He'll be gone before then...
His meeting with Mueller will be the end.

"For two straight days, they asked Trump question after question that touched on the same theme: Trump’s honesty.

The lawyers confronted the mogul with his past statements — and with his company’s internal documents, which often showed those statements had been incorrect or invented. The lawyers were relentless. Trump, the bigger-than-life mogul, was vulnerable — cornered, out-prepared and under oath.

Thirty times, they caught him."
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Bullshit! The dimretards are STILL trying (and failing miserably)... Originally Posted by gfejunkie

My statement is 100% correct.

"Obama was in office for 8 years and he did not push any restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights."

There was talk at various points in time, usually after a mass shooting, but no legislation was ever proposed by Obama.

Yes, people are trying to push more gun control -- sometimes I agree and sometimes I disagree.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Donald Trump’s lawyers don’t want Robert Mueller to interview him.
Why ever not? He is a stable genius and there was no collusion! Just get it over with so you can go back to golfing and tweeting in peace.
He's a proven lying sack of shit. Originally Posted by Observing
Bring it on. Got nothing to hide.

The only "proven lying sack of shit" has turned out to be Michael Wolff.
According to Wolff in his book, 'Fire and Fury', Trump didn't even want to win and never intended to. So tell me obie... Why, in your twisted logic, would Trump "collude" with the Russians to swing the election away from Clinton in an election he never intended to win???

I'm sure it makes total sense to you, but it doesn't to me.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Oh gooody, gfejonesing has switched from Daily Caller to Fox for his BS claims. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Prove me wrong then, dipshit emeritus.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yes, people are trying to push more gun control -- sometimes I agree and sometimes I disagree. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

"People"?!? For example? Which people? Or is it the 'usual' suspects, each and every time, time after time - well... except if it happens to involve Chicago in any way. And it's always the same dog eared BS, which would have not actually changed a darn thing about the incident de jour that they latch onto within mere moments after it occurs.

Lemme guess; you never heard of 'Operation Choke Point"? Am I right?

I'm sure you recall that the Bill of Rights was written to squarely enumerate the "Rights" of the people so they would be willing to accept a government. Right? But did you know it was no small or inconsequential coincidence that "The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" made it into the top 2 Rights for a real and specific reason? Ye olde Liberty Teeth - so to speaketh.
gfejunkie's Avatar
My statement is 100% correct.

"Obama was in office for 8 years and he did not push any restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights."

There was talk at various points in time, usually after a mass shooting, but no legislation was ever proposed by Obama.

Yes, people are trying to push more gun control -- sometimes I agree and sometimes I disagree. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Your statement was 100% wrong! He "pushed" with EOs as he always did. He just didn't get the legislation he wanted.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I will agree that Obama wanted to increase gun control measures while he was in office. However, he wa unable to do it as the text below shows. No EOs that I am aware of. During his time in office, no gun control legislation was passed that increased restrictions on gun ownership. For the most part, he realized that any attempt to push for gun control legislation in a Republican congress would be futile.

President Barack Obama's record on gun control is a fairly weak one, even though he was portrayed as the "most anti-gun president in American history" and did call for more regulations in the wake of the numerous mass shootings that occurred during his two terms in office. "We do not have to accept this carnage as the price of freedom," Obama said in 2016. The National Rifle Association once claimed Obama's "obsession with gun control knows no boundaries."

Nonetheless, the number of Obama gun laws that made it through Congress during his two terms in office comes in at only two, and neither placed additional restrictions on gun owners. In fact, the two gun laws signed by Obama actually expanded the rights of gun owners in the United States. Attempts to limit the size of gun magazines, expand
background checks of gun buyers and ban gun sales to buyers on terrorism watch lists all failed to pass under Obama.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
"People"?!? For example? Which people? Or is it the 'usual' suspects, each and every time, time after time - well... except if it happens to involve Chicago in any way. And it's always the same dog eared BS, which would have not actually changed a darn thing about the incident de jour that they latch onto within mere moments after it occurs.

Lemme guess; you never heard of 'Operation Choke Point"? Am I right?

I'm sure you recall that the Bill of Rights was written to squarely enumerate the "Rights" of the people so they would be willing to accept a government. Right? But did you know it was no small or inconsequential coincidence that "The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" made it into the top 2 Rights for a real and specific reason? Ye olde Liberty Teeth - so to speaketh. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I have no idea what you are saying in paragraph 1. Does "which people" refer to those wanting more or less gun control?

You are right. I have never heard of "Operation Choke Point".

Operation Choke Point was a 2013 initiative of the United States Department of Justice, which would investigate banks in the United States and the business they do with firearm dealers, payday lenders, and other companies believed to be at higher risk for fraud and money laundering.

Under President Barack Obama, the department said the effort was intended to root out fraud by banks and payment processors and to cut off the banking system from wrongdoing by merchants.

Karl Frisch, executive director of Allied Progress, blasted the letter as “a massive giveaway to predatory payday lenders and other shady financial scam-artists.

“Operation Choke Point has been incredibly effective at cracking down on the flow of money to fraudulent merchants that violate the law and target vulnerable consumers,” Frisch said in a statement.

You do realize that gun control legislation, for the most part, is up to the individual states and varies quite a bit from state to state. States like Wyoming are very friendly to gun rights advocates. States like New York not so much. How you or I interpret the 2nd Amendment is irrelevant. The states have the right to pass gun control legislation and the people in that state have the right to challenge that gun control legislation in the court system. Some cases make it all the way up to SCOTUS. Some decisions are in favor of gun rights advocates and some decisions are in favor of gun control advocates.
randomdom's Avatar
Bring it on. Got nothing to hide.

The only "proven lying sack of shit" has turned out to be Michael Wolff.
According to Wolff in his book, 'Fire and Fury', Trump didn't even want to win and never intended to. So tell me obie... Why, in your twisted logic, would Trump "collude" with the Russians to swing the election away from Clinton in an election he never intended to win???

I'm sure it makes total sense to you, but it doesn't to me. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
gfejunkie's Avatar
Money Originally Posted by randomdom
Yes, Wolff is making a lot of money from a pile of horse shit, but so does the National Enquirer.

Doesn't answer the question though.