Question for all of the 'Fire and Fury' book worshipers...

StandinStraight's Avatar
You've mentioned "Tax Cuts" to the wealthy on more than one occasion. What's the problem with the wealthiest Americans getting tax cuts?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Nothing at all if you don’t steal from the less fortunate and America to do it. Trumps give away to the rich will be at the expense of those that need help more, that revenue could have been used to build infrastructure now it will just buy bigger yachts.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-13-2018, 11:33 AM
You've mentioned "Tax Cuts" to the wealthy on more than one occasion. What's the problem with the wealthiest Americans getting tax cuts?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
20 trillion dollar debt...nuff said
Nothing at all if you don’t steal from the less fortunate and America to do it. Trumps give away to the rich will be at the expense of those that need help more, that revenue could have been used to build infrastructure now it will just buy bigger yachts. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Wealthy people put back into the system plus they pay 25-35% in taxes. Poor take from the system in the form of welfare, Food Stamps ect. and they pay only 12% in taxes. They often don't own anything or invest in anything. Unfortunately they are the takers. The wealthy take up the slack. It's sort of a symbiotic relationship.

themystic's Avatar
[QUOTE=Mr MojoRisin;1060380073]You've mentioned "Tax Cuts" to the wealthy on more than one occasion. What's the problem with the wealthiest Americans getting tax cuts?

Why isn't everyone getting a 15% lower tax rate?
themystic's Avatar
If, as Michael Wolff alleges in this book of his, that Donald Trump did not want to win the presidency, never intended to win it, in fact, actively wanted to lose. He was running for other reasons, and if his wife, Melania Trump, never did believe that they were gonna win and was assured by her husband not to worry, he wasn’t going to win, he wasn’t serious about winning, so upset she was crying on election night, could somebody explain to me why, then, Trump was colluding with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton?

Maybe in your twisted logic it makes sense somehow, but I don't get it. If you don't intend to win why do you need the Russian's help? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I don't know if its true or not. Believable? Big time believable. The whole world was shocked. Especially Donald the Red. Look at footage, if you can find any, pee Boy was Stunned.

He doesn't look like hes having as much fun as he did early on. Is Papa Scumbag getting his ass handed to him by a bunch of liberals?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Seems to me that Trump keeps winning.

I was reading today and this whole Trump affair reminded me of the Battle of the Kasserine Pass. General Fredenhall was in command of the American forces. He was a bit timid and worried about being too aggressive against the Germans. I guess he figured he was taking on the JV team since Rommel was east facing Montgomery...or was he? Anyway, a lot of good men got killed or captured and Americans ran away. So then they had to put Patton in charge to go kick ass.
We had the timid, fearful Obama. Now we need a Patton. The feckless left doesn't realize that they are on the wrong side of history and the good of the United States. Buncha dumbasses.
themystic's Avatar
Seems to me that Trump keeps winning.

I was reading today and this whole Trump affair reminded me of the Battle of the Kasserine Pass. General Fredenhall was in command of the American forces. He was a bit timid and worried about being too aggressive against the Germans. I guess he figured he was taking on the JV team since Rommel was east facing Montgomery...or was he? Anyway, a lot of good men got killed or captured and Americans ran away. So then they had to put Patton in charge to go kick ass.
We had the timid, fearful Obama. Now we need a Patton. The feckless left doesn't realize that they are on the wrong side of history and the good of the United States. Buncha dumbasses. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Another Anti American Russian lover. Put the flag down Barleycorn. You're sleeping with the enemy
bigwill832's Avatar
Go to the book store, pick up a copy of Fire and Fury and read the prologue. Read what the author has to say about his own book, his sources, and what he has written. I did. It will tell you how reliable the author really is.
You've mentioned "Tax Cuts" to the wealthy on more than one occasion. What's the problem with the wealthiest Americans getting tax cuts?

Why isn't everyone getting a 15% lower tax rate? Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
This is the new Tax plan in comparison to the old one.

themystic's Avatar
Go to the book store, pick up a copy of Fire and Fury and read the prologue. Read what the author has to say about his own book, his sources, and what he has written. I did. It will tell you how reliable the author really is. Originally Posted by bigwill832

Sure has Donald the Red seeing Red. Why all the cease and desist, etc? I have read the prologue but not the book. Id be willing to bet most of its true. Team Trump is the most dysfunctional bunch to occupy the WH in my life. Look at the pussy grabber, what he says and does on a daily basis. Behind closed doors hes some stable professional? LOL. Quit it boys. The guy is a bomb waiting to explode. Has been for the 40+ years Ive known about him. Ive seen him up close and personal and from a distance. He is what he is. A narracist
TryWeakly's Avatar
Nobody can read minds...I base my thoughts on his actions, not his words.

I met Trump in Lake Tahoe btw.

I used to go to that event every year. Pussy everywhere. Originally Posted by WTF
I'll bet there was pussy everywhere.....


...especially if you were alone in the room. just sayin.
Sure has Donald the Red seeing Red. Why all the cease and desist, etc? I have read the prologue but not the book. Id be willing to bet most of its true. Team Trump is the most dysfunctional bunch to occupy the WH in my life. Look at the pussy grabber, what he says and does on a daily basis. Behind closed doors hes some stable professional? LOL. Quit it boys. The guy is a bomb waiting to explode. Has been for the 40+ years Ive known about him. Ive seen him up close and personal and from a distance. He is what he is. A narracist Originally Posted by themystic
Quit trying to put Trump in a class by himself. Obama was a flake, Bush was a flake, both Clintons are flakes. They are all flakes. No president in history has ever been successful at pleasing everyone. Your life hasn't changed that much for better or worse with Bush, Obama and it won't change much with Trump. Until WW3 starts and openly declared that's when your life will change and for the worse. In the mean time do something constructive.

Pelosi is gonna insure Trumps reelection. Enough democrats are realizing how stupid elite leftwingers feel they are. Getting a bonus is not good? What a joke.
themystic's Avatar
Quit trying to put Trump in a class by himself. Obama was a flake, Bush was a flake, both Clintons are flakes. They are all flakes. No president in history has ever been successful at pleasing everyone. Your life hasn't changed that much for better or worse with Bush, Obama and it won't change much with Trump. Until WW3 starts and openly declared that's when your life will change and for the worse. In the mean time do something constructive.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Good post Jim. I think

As far as putting Trump in a class by himself, I think a pretty good case can be made for the Little Russian Lover called "Pussy Grabber"

Do you know of Any President tied so heavily to Russia? Or defended Russia so vehemently?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Why would anyone spend money on a shitty piece of fiction.