It's tha End o' tha Werld!!! Bring it on, muthafukkahs!!! Ah still gots a shee'yit-ton o' guns, ammo, canned goods an' bottl'd agua left o'er frum Y2K in mah ree-inforcedt concrete bunk'r out in Manchaca! An' ain't nunya all a-gittin' in. Not e'en y'all wif them sweet l'il ol' tits an' pooseys. Let them atom bombs drop an' mutate ya! Ah always wanted ta fuck a gal wif three boobs an' two vooters! YEEEEE-hawww!!!!
Desert Storm I had alarms go off from a chemical attack (by Saddam's missiles) in Tel Aviv. Everyone knew it. About a half hour passes and we announce it as a false alarm.
Three days after the Hawaii incident, similar alarms go off in Japan. Same story follows - a brief delay followed by an announcement of false alarm.