your grammar sucks!!! Originally Posted by dilbert firestormYour mother sucks. (Period, no exclamation. I don't have to pretend to shout. Just a simple fact. Not fake news. Not alternative fact.)

I want to thank everyone for the entertainmentAMF, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
IB- True American Patriot smartest and most informed
Iffy- 2nd Place. Patriot
Lexus- all heart no substance. Snitch
lusty- pervert
Waco- A for effort, D for substance
CB- Patriot
Rey- OK for a gay guy in the closet. Just dumb
Hot Rod- pervert
Bambino- Eccie makes him feel like hes somebody. Sorry for the slurs
Mojo- Funniest guy in here
Goodbye Patriots and Commrades Originally Posted by themystic
If you truly do retire and would like to guest lecture or attend one of my classes I might be able to make it happen. At least at the university you would be able to share your wisdom without dealing with deplorables. Originally Posted by StandinStraightThank you SS. Keep up the great work
If you truly do retire and would like to guest lecture or attend one of my classes I might be able to make it happen. At least at the university you would be able to share your wisdom without dealing with deplorables. Originally Posted by StandinStraightWhat class? You don't have any class. That's one of your fucking problems.
If you truly do retire and would like to guest lecture or attend one of my classes I might be able to make it happen. At least at the university you would be able to share your wisdom without dealing with deplorables. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Thank you SS. Keep up the great workJust as you devoted part of your life to do good and stand against evil, I will continue to carry the torch of freedom.
These fucking Deplorable Anti Americans don't deserve a free pass
None of the deplorable posters ( except for the providers who post) here has the balls to voice their opinion in the RW. They are a bunch of phonies Originally Posted by themystic
Just as you devoted part of your life to do good and stand against evil, I will continue to carry the torch of freedom.Make sure you get him a Mickey Mouse Watch. It fits his personality and his intellect. Get yourself one too, lol.
I imagine in retirement you will travel more and see the sun more often. Again if you ever make your way to Pittsburgh you have a open invite to lecture or sit in on one of my classes.
You were kind enough to let the forum know of your intentions and these deplorables can’t even respect that as they bash you on your walk toward your sunset. You deserve better, it would be hard to organize a parade but im thinking of starting a “Go Fund Me” page to at least get you a watch or something.
Anyway, long live The Resistance , if your not to busy stop back after the Mueller report to help console these poor deplorables.
Adios Amigo! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
If you truly do retire and would like to guest lecture or attend one of my classes I might be able to make it happen. At least at the university you would be able to share your wisdom without dealing with deplorables. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Thank you SS. Keep up the great workYou two should start a gloryhole at one of the truckstops in Dallas
These fucking Deplorable Anti Americans don't deserve a free pass
None of the deplorable posters ( except for the providers who post) here has the balls to voice their opinion in the RW. They are a bunch of phonies Originally Posted by themystic