***Visiting Providers***

guy fawkes's Avatar
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
My first visit so far a few months ago was pretty good....looking forward to coming back AT LEAST 2X this year . I'm certain some touring providers might get a ncns here and there but didn't happen to me but ymmv. Varying factors on if a city will do well for any particular lady ... in the end it's best to just make a go of it for yourself. I'm certain you'll be fine.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I think we need to make a distinction between NCNS and rescheduling.

A NCNS is pretty-much inexcusable in my book.

A cancellation or a rescheduling of an appointment is a completely different animal.

So let's not get them mixed up

Personally, if I schedule to meet with someone, I fully intend to follow through with the encounter, else, I wouldn't make an attempt.

There have been times when I've had to reschedule, but I've always made good on it.

To NCNS someone, on either side of this thing, is just rude and completely disrespectful. Only in the rarest of instances would I ever give someone a pass on this. And like ck1942 mentioned, these should be reported in the appropriate areas.

Just be sure you know the difference between a NCNS and a cancellation/reschedule, because there's a huge difference between the two.

