What Is Trump so Scared We will Find Out?

LexusLover's Avatar
Miss America Pagent for one

His lawyer was meeting with Russians on a Trump Tower in Moscow during the Election Originally Posted by themystic
Least MyOpic gets off the reservation in an attempt at a "save"!

These fictional events are what you proclaim "scare" Trump!


He never owned Miss American Pagent AND he has never built a Trump Tower in Moscow!

I doubt either one of those "nevers" bothers him at all. He's focused on Making America Great Again!

You're worried about him fucking a worn out porn star 11 years ago!
Simple mistake Traitor Originally Posted by themystic
You're still not putting much effort into it, thetraitor.
Least MyOpic gets off the reservation in an attempt at a "save"!

These fictional events are what you proclaim "scare" Trump! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Many progressive websites are currently pushing that narrative: Trump is panicky and scared. Why? Supposedly because "Mueller is getting close." To what? Nobody knows.
LexusLover's Avatar

cut the simpleton some slack, man!

He's pathetic enough without pissing on him.
LexusLover's Avatar
Supposedly because "Mueller is getting close." To what? Nobody knows. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Perhaps there's a FISA Judge who knows. Rumor has it that Mueller is not impressed with Comey and his henchmen.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Perhaps there's a FISA Judge who knows. Rumor has it that Mueller is not impressed with Comey and his henchmen. Originally Posted by LexusLover
now how funny would that be yeah?


instead of indicting Trump it's Comey and his gang of FBI cronies that get charged!

not exactly what the libtard left is breathlessly waiting for, eh?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Simple mistake Traitor Originally Posted by themystic
You're a simpleton traitor, mistake.
To feed needy children and the poor. Just like Jesus did Originally Posted by themystic
Don't drag Jesus into this you atheist twit. If Clinton received 500,000 dollars from anyone including the Russians it would be used to feed his habit. You're proving more and more you're a fucking airhead.

LexusLover's Avatar
now how funny would that be yeah?


instead of indicting Trump it's Comey and his gang of FBI cronies that get charged!

not exactly what the libtard left is breathlessly waiting for, eh? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

The hysteria and urgency to remove Trump is based on getting him out of the way before more layers of the onion get peeled. The longer he stays in office the more disgusting revelations will surface ... and in the not so far off future ... the documents filed with the FISA Court, the transcriptions of the proceedings, and complete orders of the Court with findings in them (as required by law) will be publicly disclosed.

The longer the Democrats drag it out the closer to the Fall Elections it will be revealed ... another Clintonist flaw!

"If one doesn't learn from history it keeps repeating itself" .. as the saying has gone.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Loved reading this thread , it’s the perfect example of the effects Fox News has on uneducated deplorables. You still don’t get it because you are uninformed and to stupid to understand anyway.
I’m not even going to compare you to my rabbits anymore because it’s unfair to my rabbits.
Continue thinking that all of the trump Russia ties are some conspiracy theory, keep thinking that there was no collusion or obstruction or money laundering!
When once again you are proven to be idiots it will make rubbing it in your faces that much sweeter.
I think it was judge Judy that said “dumb is forever” and man she was talking right to you deplorables.
The new meaning of deplorables is “dumb is forever”!
themystic's Avatar
You're a simpleton traitor, mistake. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hey IB Red, what is this?

themystic's Avatar
Don't drag Jesus into this you atheist twit. If Clinton received 500,000 dollars from anyone including the Russians it would be used to feed his habit. You're proving more and more you're a fucking airhead.

Why dont you put youre kool aid down for a minute Jim. There is actually a book written about Jesus, even quotes him. Why dont you read it sometime? Is it above youre reading skills? Jesus clearly was against everything you and your traitor buddies stand for. Oppression, discrimination, anti poor, etc

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
themystic's Avatar
[QUOTE=Mr MojoRisin;1060469792]Don't drag Jesus into this you atheist twit. If Clinton received 500,000 dollars from anyone including the Russians it would be used to feed his habit. You're proving more and more you're a fucking airhead.

Why dont you put youre kool aid down for a minute Jim. There is actually a book written about Jesus, even quotes him. Why dont you read it sometime? Is it above youre reading skills? Jesus clearly was against everything you and your traitor buddies stand for. Oppression, discrimination, anti poor, etc
LexusLover's Avatar
Loved reading this thread , .. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Do you "love" watching "Judge Judy"?


Have some more reading ...
lustylad's Avatar
You know Lusty, I believe a lot of this article. Heres the part I have a problem with. This article is almost a year old. To say Carter page and Manafort were nickel dime nobodys? Really. One of them has already been indicted and one convicted, directly related to the Russian probe. A lot has happen in a year. Dont forget about Flynn

Yeah I know it was Miss Universe, I started to put Miss Russia. For Trump and his Traitor base, doesnt much matter Originally Posted by themystic
You can dislike Trump AND dislike his haters even more, especially the ones who are willing to lie and dispense with due process and the Constitution to overturn an election while they stupidly and ironically refer to anyone who objects as a "traitor".

Yes, I know the article is a year old. Carter Page is a joke. He hasn't been charged with anything. Manafort was indicted on charges having nothing to do with his brief stint as Trump campaign manager. He hasn't been convicted of anything yet. Get your facts straight.

The point of the article was to show you need to brush up on recent history. It's been 4 years since the Sochi Olympics. When they ended, Putin made his move on Crimea. It took many months for Obama to respond with economic sanctions against Russia. Prior to that, doing business with Russians was a PRIORITY that was ENCOURAGED by the U.S. government. Were Obama and Biden and Hillary traitors for leading all those American business delegations to Moscow?