Trump The New Nazi Hitler Clone Wants A Military Parade! God Help Us All!

LexusLover's Avatar
Wow you deplorables are further gone than I even thought You really will even defend marching tanks and nukes down American streets. Not one of you have any sense of decency or morality. Please don’t have children the world needs less of you. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Just make sure and let us know when you head for Texas.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Just make sure and let us know when you head for Texas. Originally Posted by LexusLover
When I come to Texas it will be to lecture at your university’s and protest the deplorable state of the average conservative Texan! My guess is the good Texans will soon far out number you deplorable a-holes and Texas will turn blue! So STFU and stay out of the way of progress and the resistance!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The only resistance you get is from trying to pull your head out of your ass.

I suppose it is very difficult for some people to understand how a person that has never served in the military can have a great deal of respect and fascination over this nation's military. There are many people that show great pride in the military even though they have never served. In fact, there are more people that have never served in the military than those that have.

Of course, emotionally insecure people like StandinShit and WTF, would have a very difficult time understanding these things.
themystic's Avatar
The only resistance you get is from trying to pull your head out of your ass.

I suppose it is very difficult for some people to understand how a person that has never served in the military can have a great deal of respect and fascination over this nation's military. There are many people that show great pride in the military even though they have never served. In fact, there are more people that have never served in the military than those that have.

Of course, emotionally insecure people like StandinShit and WTF, would have a very difficult time understanding these things. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
So are you saying this is about a show of pride rather than a show of force? Or is this another Example of Donald the Red playing fucking games
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It would be great for recruiting new soldiers.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-07-2018, 08:56 PM

Of course, emotionally insecure people like StandinShit and WTF, would have a very difficult time understanding these things. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I understand that Trump has no trouble spending the publics tax money.

We are getting back to trillion dollar a year deficits in good times!

Fuck at least Obama had an excuse of lower tax receipts!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It would be great for recruiting new soldiers. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
that would be fine except for the tattoo issue. the military is behind the curve on this.

just read that a marine is not allowed to re-enlist all because he had tattoos that exceeded certain parameters allowed under regs.
I understand that Trump has no trouble spending the publics tax money.

We are getting back to trillion dollar a year deficits in good times!

Fuck at least Obama had an excuse of lower tax receipts! Originally Posted by WTF
Bullshit, Obama spent a Trillion Dollars every year and nothing to show for it. Except maybe to keep all the Military conflicts going in the Middle East and to fund ISIS. That's why the printing press at the Federal Reserve had twenty four hour shifts.

When I come to Texas it will be to lecture at your university’s and protest the deplorable state of the average conservative Texan! My guess is the good Texans will soon far out number you deplorable a-holes and Texas will turn blue! So STFU and stay out of the way of progress and the resistance! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

Once again (geeeez...this is getting old having to point out what a HUGE LIAR you are. Not to mention a total idiot when it comes to the English language....)

The plural of university is's a pretty easy rule of grammar people (and computers/electronic devices) would recognize:

Apostrophes are employed for contractions and/or to imply possession of said item...

Any dictation device known to man would have recognition of the sentence structure you formed and would have pluralized the word as primary choice; being it is clearly a noun (and the preceding word, your, is the determiner.)

Sis, here's TRUTH: you're (not your) a fraud...a total phony. No chance in hell you're an educator. If there's even a shred of truth to that claim, God forbid. Idiots producing MORE idiots.....this practice must come to an end. Too late for you, of course. Time for you to leave the US and move to Haiti or NoKo,

themystic's Avatar
Once again (geeeez...this is getting old having to point out what a HUGE LIAR you are. Not to mention a total idiot when it comes to the English language....)

The plural of university is's a pretty easy rule of grammar people (and computers/electronic devices) would recognize:

Apostrophes are employed for contractions and/or to imply possession of said item...

Any dictation device known to man would have recognition of the sentence structure you formed and would have pluralized the word as primary choice; being it is clearly a noun (and the preceding word, your, is the determiner.)

Sis, here's TRUTH: you're (not your) a fraud...a total phony. No chance in hell you're an educator. If there's even a shred of truth to that claim, God forbid. Idiots producing MORE idiots.....this practice must come to an end. Too late for you, of course. Time for you to leave the US and move to Haiti or NoKo,

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Just curious. Why are you Trump supporters so obssesed with spelling? Youre biggest poster IB doesnt even know what spell check is, let alone how to use it. Does that make yall feel superior to people? Seriously whats the deal?
lustylad's Avatar
Just curious. Why are you Trump supporters so obssesed (sic) with spelling? ... Does that make yall feel superior to people? Seriously whats the deal? Originally Posted by themystic
Hahaha... why can't you even spell the word obsessed properly? Correct spelling and grammar and diction are a key indicator of how well educated a person is. Reading posts that are riddled with poor grammar and spelling errors is like listening to Rosanne Barr sing the national anthem.

The only people with a need to feel superior are ignorant libtards like StandinStupid, whose mangled posts scream to all that he is the victim of a substandard education. It's painfully obvious the poor schmuck is struggling to compensate for his own inadequate schooling by calling everyone else "uneducated" and making preposterous claims to hold a doctorate degree.

Riddle me this - If Trump supporters are so uneducated, how do they even know when you misspell a word?
hentaimania12's Avatar
Just curious. Why are you Trump supporters so obssesed with spelling? Youre biggest poster IB doesnt even know what spell check is, let alone how to use it. Does that make yall feel superior to people? Seriously whats the deal? Originally Posted by themystic
That would be a typical insecurity thing of someone who doesn't know anything but how to spell better than someone who doesn't. It's the one time they get to feel smarter than someone else.
lustylad's Avatar
That would be a typical insecurity thing of someone who doesn't know anything but how to spell better than someone who doesn't. It's the one time they get to feel smarter than someone else. Originally Posted by hentaimania12
Nonsense. Ignoring bad schooling and overlooking mangled English is a libtard thing. Like giving out participation trophies to everyone just for showing up. The real question is - why are libtards too insecure to speak up and correct bad spelling, bad grammar, bad behavior, and bad ideas?

Does it offend you precious little snowflakes to be told your communication skills are so glaringly deficient?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Just curious. Why are you Trump supporters so obssesed with spelling? Youre biggest poster IB doesnt even know what spell check is, let alone how to use it. Does that make yall feel superior to people? Seriously whats the deal? Originally Posted by themystic
In your case.....the misspelled words come long after your stupidity is exposed.