Uh oh Mueller's closing in on you Libs, watch out

I B Hankering's Avatar
No actually some can be attributed to the Russians....Putin did not want Clinton elected and did all he could to see that did not happen.

I do not care for the Clintons and their fucking Foundation but that does not make Trump anything other than the fool he is.

Be like hating a Heart Surgeon so bad that you hire a Clown to do your heart transplant.

Originally Posted by WTF
Wrong. Per the indictments yesterday, the Russians didn't start their shenanigans against hildebeest until 2014. I haven't liked nor would I ever have considered voting for hildebeest since the 1990s -- some twenty years ago -- before any Russian propaganda against hildebeest.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-17-2018, 12:03 PM
Wrong. Per the indictments yesterday, the Russians didn't start their shenanigans against hildebeest until 2014. I haven't liked nor would I ever have considered voting for hildebeest since the 1990s -- some twenty years ago -- before any Russian propaganda against hildebeest. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Well if yours was the only vote that mattered then Russian medeling would not matter.
themystic's Avatar
No actually some can be attributed to the Russians....Putin did not want Clinton elected and did all he could to see that did not happen.

I do not care for the Clintons and their fucking Foundation but that does not make Trump anything other than the fool he is.

Be like hating a Heart Surgeon so bad that you hire a Clown to do your heart transplant.

Originally Posted by WTF

WTF the " right" doesn't care about being traitors. Hillary or Putin/ They endorsed and voted for Putin

The 13 indictments of Russians, Obama expelling 35 Russian diplomats, Indictments of Manafort, Kelly, Populousness, Cage etc, DJ Jr meeting the Russians.... All Fake News

Trump refusing to criticize Putin or impose sanctions on Russia. Truth.

Funny how this should be switched by aint. DJT is an Anti American Traitor
bambino's Avatar
What was false about it? How do you know that Putin does not have a sex tape of Trump? Trump is sure the fuck acting like he does because he has been sucking Putin's dick for the last year. When he takes a hard line with Russia, that will be an indication that Russia has no sex tapes. We all know that Trump fucks around and pays a huge amount of hush money.


. Originally Posted by WTF
Everything’s false about the dossier. Nothing’s proven to be true. And Trump has been hard on Putin. He’s installing Patriot missles in Poland and selling the Ukraine deadly military weapons. Something your boy Obama didn’t do. And these shenanigans started under Obama’s term. WTF did he do about it? Nothing. He only told them he would be more flexible after his election. Plus Hillary got involved in Putin’s election. An eye for an eye. This has nothing to do with Trump.

Jim...the Russians were putting out fake news stories to influence our elections in Trumps favor.

If Trump does nothing in way of sanctions , that in itself is a form of collusion.

I agree with a lot of your bullshit but you are as wrong as the day is long in regards to Trump.

I think Clinton unethical but I think Trump would be a traitor to this country for the right amount of money and power. .. and he is proving me right with each passing day. Originally Posted by WTF
Putting sanctions on Russia could put the country between a rock and place. Trump would have to weigh the pros and cons of putting sanctions on Russia. This needs to be handled with kid gloves.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-17-2018, 12:19 PM
Everything’s false about the dossier. Nothing’s proven to be true. And Trump has been hard on Putin. He’s installing Patriot missles in Poland and selling the Ukraine deadly military weapons. Something your boy Obama didn’t do. And these shenanigans started under Obama’s term. WTF did he do about? Nothing. He only told them he would be more flexible after his election. Plus Hillary got involved in Putin’s election. An eye for an eye. This has nothing to do with Trump.

https://www.politico.com/story/2016/...n-putin-226153 Originally Posted by bambino
You are either a fool or a Russian bot if you believe that shit i just read.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-17-2018, 12:24 PM
Putting sanctions on Russia could put the country between a rock and place. Trump would have to weigh the pros and cons of putting sanctions on Russia. This needs to be handled with kid gloves.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Well we can kid glove this all you want, meanwhile, they are kicking our ass via cyber war!

Russia wants back the influence they lost after theit collapse. The gailed Iraq War has given them that opportunity.
bambino's Avatar
You are either a fool or a Russian bot if you believe that shit i just read. Originally Posted by WTF
No, you’re a fool and a dupe to believe Trump colluded with the Russians.
Wonder how many Trump supporters on this forum got suckered in by the Russian scams. Originally Posted by bamscram
It sounds to me that the entire democrat party has been sucking for the last year on the whole Russian collusion thing. Now that the former CIA director, Dianne Feinstein, Comey, Rosenstein and so many others have said there there was no conclusion, how many of you are going to move on? Geraldo Rivera had it right last night when he said the collusionistas have skulls six inches think and will never believe the facts when placed in front of them. It's kind of useless to try. We just have to make sure that these mentally ill people aren't allowed to buy AR15s.
lustylad's Avatar
Everything’s false about the dossier. Nothing’s proven to be true. And Trump has been hard on Putin. He’s installing Patriot missles in Poland and selling the Ukraine deadly military weapons. Something your boy Obama didn’t do. And these shenanigans started under Obama’s term. WTF did he do about it? Nothing. He only told them he would be more flexible after his election. Plus Hillary got involved in Putin’s election. An eye for an eye. This has nothing to do with Trump.

https://www.politico.com/story/2016/...n-putin-226153 Originally Posted by bambino

You are either a fool or a Russian bot if you believe that shit i just read. Originally Posted by WTF

Hahahaha! Bam just kicked your fucking butt with FACTS and all you can do is whine and whimper and call him a fool for citing all those FACTS? What a fucking moronic buffoon you are!

Why don't you do some fact-checking of your own, you irredeemable dingbat! Google "Patriot missiles in Poland" or "US lethal weapons in Ukraine".

Or don't. Just sit back like a moronic buffoon and continue to get your ass kicked!

lustylad's Avatar
Geraldo Rivera had it right last night when he said the collusionistas have skulls six inches think and will never believe the facts when placed in front of them. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
lustylad's Avatar
Trump owes his election to Putin. Originally Posted by WTF
Prove it, you lying jackass! Oh wait, you can't... oh well, just tattoo it on your pimply ass then.
lustylad's Avatar
Hillary spent more on the Russian Dossier than Russia spent on the bots. Originally Posted by bambino

Oh my... another inconvenient fact! You're giving snitchy cognitive dissonance! He can't deal with facts! He will call you a fool if you argue with facts! Your facts are ruining the phony narrative he has been clinging to since November 2016!

If hildebeest had won, would snitchy say she owed her election to Putin for furnishing her with all those dossier lies?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-17-2018, 01:17 PM
Prove it, you lying jackass! Oh wait, you can't. Oh well, just tattoo it on your ass anyway. Originally Posted by lustylad
Prove that he does not owe his victory to Putin.

Prove the Putin does not have a sex video of Donald.

Where you been hiding lusty? Were you down in Florida checking for mustard gas?
LexusLover's Avatar

That's not "collusion"! That's a ROMANCE!!!!