As long as we're talking English as a second language...
De réir mar a théann an rá, "Níl aon leithscéal ag anineolas an dlí." Is cuma cén sochaí nó eagraíocht atá i gceist le ball, tá rialacha ann, agus tá sé mar fhreagracht ar an rannpháirtí a bheith ar an eolas agus cloí leo.
GAELIC TO ENGLISH TRANSLATION: As the saying goes, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse." Whatever society or organization a member is involved in, there are rules, and it's the responsibility of each participant to know and adhere to them.
But I think some lesser things slide due to the ECCIE entertainment factor, not to mention interpretation of staff on what actually constitutes insult and injury. Moderation is not a foooking exact science, and if every DDD (derogatory, degrading, and/or disparaging) comment was squashed, Coed might be a virtual vacuum.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Damn fanso I literally orgasmed on my fone. My ode to fanso, red, your words encourage me to foooking edumacate myself. I sit amongst foooking trolls and my gorgeous red, fanso, yu are that foooking lite house in a haze. Yo are my ec foooking crush in all honesty. I orgasm at that green intelecto font. Boo boo thanks fa all ya input( I'm black, I think you're cool, but not in a weird liking ass way, we too buzy busting food stamps down and paking cars to get in fauaded. Buy boo boo fanso you iz my crush.